Tag: household-bin-collection

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Posted: 08 Dec, 2023

What You Can & Can't Put Into a Bin

Without Bins, where we would be ey? 

Imagine not having these plastic containers to shield away the smell and rot of our food and waste. We would be overrun with rats and creatures, and let's be honest, nobody wants that...apart from the rats that is!

Emptying your waste into your wheelie bins shouldn't be a guessing game, all your household waste needs to placed in their correct bins.

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Posted: 21 Nov, 2023

Holiday Collection Schedule for 2023

Busy Bins Christmas and New Year Schedule. As the holiday season approaches, we want to extend our warmest wishes to you and your loved ones.  At Busy Bins, we understand that the Christmas period brings about changes in routine, and we're here to ensure that your waste management services adapt seamlessly for you. 

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Posted: 17 Nov, 2023

What to Do if You Miss Your Bin Collection

There is not much worse then coming home from a long hard day and seeing your bins still full to the brim. 

We've all been there!

It's bin collection day, and you rush to get your waste out, only to find that the little blighters have come and gone without a trace. Frustrating? Sad? Might cry a little bit? Well, wipe away those tears & fear not, because missed bin collections can be resolved with ease, and we're here to guide you all the way!

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Posted: 28 Jul, 2023

Exposed: The Shocking Truth About Fly-Tipping!

Welcome to our blog, where we tackle the trashiest topic of them all: Fly-Tipping!. 

The art of turning our beautiful planet into one big waste bin. If you are unfamiliar with what fly-tipping is, it is basically a covert operation carried out by individuals with questionable morals and a love for litter. They basically ask themselves: You know what would make this lovely, picturesque countryside even more beautiful? A mountain of discarded fridges, sofas and other dumped waste! 

Nobody wants to be a fly tipper, or be associated with a company that does! So, we are here to shed some light on this rubbish ridden mischief and show you the best ways to help you avoid falling into their trap!

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Posted: 14 Jul, 2023

Unlock the Secrets of Recycling

Welcome dear recycling enthusiasts and lone recyclers!

There are various possessions that you may or may not need to throw away/recycle over each calendar year. The hardest thing about it all is figuring out what items can be recycled and where you can take these to recycle/up cycle or waste without the risk of being collared by the authorities for it.

Fear not, you will find below a comprehensive list of various obscure, obscene and forgotten items, with instructions on what to do and where to go, when they no longer have a place in your home.

So, if you ever get a bit confused on where to waste your junk, you can revisit this list anytime to ease your confusion.

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Posted: 14 Jun, 2023

How To Get Rid of Maggots From Your Bin

Discovering maggots in your bins can be an unpleasant and unsettling experience. However, don't you worry! This blog aims to provide you with effective strategies and tips on how to get rid of maggots. Think of this as your war chest on how to prevent your wheelie bins from being taken over by swarms of wriggly Putins! 

By following these steps, you can maintain a clean and hygienic environment, free from those meddling maggots.  

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