28 Jul, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris


Fly-Tipping. Image at the foreground of a Wanted Poster denoting a

Welcome to our blog, where we tackle the trashiest topic of them all: Fly-Tipping!. 

The art of turning our beautiful planet into one big waste bin. If you are unfamiliar with what fly-tipping is, it's a covert operation carried out by individuals with questionable morals and a love for litter. They basically ask themselves: You know what would make this lovely, picturesque countryside even more beautiful? A mountain of discarded fridges, sofas and other dumped waste! 

Nobody wants to be a fly tipper, or be associated with a company that does! So, we are here to shed some light on this rubbish ridden mischief and show you the best ways to help you avoid falling into their trap!

How to avoid fly tipping companies

When it comes to avoiding fly tipping companies, it is all about mastering the art of sniffing them out like a bad smell. There a number of things that you can look out for to stop yourself falling victim to these cowboys: 

  1. Be wary of Low Low Prices - Remember if it is too good to be true, it probably means that they will be dumping your trash in a scenic spot.
  2. Research the Company - ALWAYS look at company reviews! Check online reviews, ask for recommendations from friends and family. Don't be afraid to snoop around and investigate who they really are.
  3. If they agree to take literally anything without questioning the size, price, weight etc...run for the hills. Most, if not all, reputable waste companies will have certain limitations on what they can collect. For instance: Hazardous material.
  4. Report fly-tipping  - Fly-tipping is a serious criminal offence so by reporting it to the authorities or environment agency, you are hopefully taking one less cowboy out of the game. 

As always, make sure to ask questions and research before choosing a waste company. Don't just pick the first person who comments on your Facebook post that quoted £20 to take 4 beds, 3 sofas, 1 car and 2 sheds. After all, in the world of rubbish it is better to be safe than sorry.

Fly-Tipping, What to Look Out For. Busy Bins Bin Man Character with binoculars held up to his eyes looking outwards.

5 essential things to look out for in a waste company

Never mind your 5 essential tips to looking good this summer....these tips are way more important. 

Follow these 5 below and you won't find yourself in trouble with the law and your own guilt. We are not threatening you we promise! Just think of it as one friend helping out another to help you ensure that your waste is disposed of responsibly. We wouldn't want you to become a victim of fly-tipping.

  1. We have said it before and we will say it again. DO YOUR HOMEWORK - We feel like we are talking to a teenager, no, but seriously, research is key. Check out different waste companies, look for companies that have proper licenses, certifications and positive customer reviews. A quick online search can help you separate the responsible waste handlers from your naughty ones. 
  2. Choose licensed and insured companies - Fly tippers often operate without the necessary licenses and insurance. Protect yourself by selecting companies that have the appropriate permits and insurance coverage to stop yourself from illegal dumping (No this isn't some kind or sordid outside act, this is when your rubbish is illegally left somewhere)
  3. Proof of disposal - When using a registered waste carrier to collect your items, ask for a proof of disposal document. Legitimate companies will have no problem providing you with records that show your waste is being taken and they are disposing of waste in the correct manner. This could be in the form of a Waste Transfer Note or Proof of Disposal.
  4. Customer service - Not many people would think this, but always pay attention to the customer service provided by the company. Are they prompt in answering your queries? Do they provide clear communication regarding collection schedules, pricing and other services? A trustworthy company values their customer. 
  5. Verified Website, Contact Number, Environmental certifications - Do they just have a Facebook Page, or do they have a verified, safe website with a legitimate contact number? Do they have environmental certifications? Certifications like ISO 14001 show that the company is committed to minimising their environmental impact and following sustainable waste management practices. 

By considering the above when selecting a waste company, you can sleep easy knowing that your household waste is being collected by a reputable and responsible service provider that aligns with your values and stop you from getting your items fly-tipped.

Fly-Tipping Hot Spots. Simplified image of a town map with flames coming up from the picture to show the hot spots where people fly-tip.

Fly-tipping Hotspots

The glamorous destinations where trashy individuals meet up to showcase their impeccable dumping skills. These hotspots are the go to for illegal waste disposal, attracting the most audacious of dumpers from far and wide. Grab your binoculars and prepare for a sightseeing tour like no other. 

Certain areas in the UK have been known for their fly tipping problems, such as rural locations, remote countryside spots and areas with limited to no surveillance. Highways are also very common places for fly-tipping to occur. The main regions of the UK have reported the higher incidents of fly tipping, so areas such as: Greater Manchester, Greater London and West Midlands. 

Basically any quite lay by or narrow countryside road may be attractive to these illegal dumpers. So if you see any piles or rubbish that shouldn't be there, always make sure to report to your local council, there may be evidence that could help identify the culprit.

Fly-Tipping Fines and Punishments. Bald prisoner with a beard in a black and white jumper holding onto the prison bars and looking outwards with a sad expression.

Fines and Punishments

As you are now aware, illegal waste disposal is a serious crime, where you and the unlicensed waste carrier may both be liable to a hefty fine or even a jail sentence. Don't just take our word for it though, you can see some of the most outrageous fines below. You wouldn't want to get stung with this bill for tipping your waste illegally. 

  1.  In 2019, a man in the UK was fined £12,000 and ordered to pay costs after he was found guilty of fly tipping waste which included construction materials and household waste in multiple locations. 
  2. In 2018, a man in Ireland was given a 2 year suspended prison sentence and fined £10,000 for repeatedly fly tipping waste including household and construction waste, over a 3 year period. 
  3. In the USA, a man in California, was sentenced to 16 months in prison and ordered to pay £230,000 for operating an illegal waste business. The operation involved the illegal disposal of hazardous waste and the release of harmful substances into the environment.
  4. In Australia, a company was fined AUD 450,000. (Approximately £300,000) in 2017 for illegally dumping asbestos waste across multiple sites. This fine was one of the largest ever imposed for fly-tipping in that country. 

These examples above highlight the seriousness with which local councils and authorities treat fly-tipping offenses. Whether it is a lot cheaper for yourself or not, fly-tippers are doing something illegal and if there is evidence that could be linked back to you; or your items are found to be fly-tipped onto land without permission and not disposed of correctly, you could face a prison sentence or a penalty which carries a fine.

Fly-Tipping Facts and Figures. Outline shapes in grey of bulky waste images with symbols and units of weight measurement imposed on top of the images.

Fly-tipping Facts

With the fines adding up above, you don't want to be on the wrong side of them, but what about the facts and figures we hear you cry!

Don't you sweat it, you know we love our stats and who are we to not give the people what they want.

The facts and figures:

  • Local authority enforcement team(s) carried out 507,000 enforcement actions in 21/22.
  • 91,000 fixed penalty notices issued by councils in England in 21/22
  • Court fines totalled £840,000 for fly-tipping in 21/22.
  • 32% of fly-tipping was the size of a small van load, suggesting that these are the most common vehicles used for fly-tipping.
  • London had the highest rate of incidents for any region, with 46 per 1000 people.

Why use us?

Now you have read about the cowboys, why not read about a company that disposes safely of your waste.

We offer a flexible waste management solution for your waste, so you can sleep easy knowing that you won't be receiving a knock on the door from any authorities.

So, here are a few reasons why you should use us for your next bulky waste collection.

  • Fully Accredited & Licensed. 
  • Waste taken to a Waste to Energy facility.
  • Easy to contact or book: You can do it 24/7 online at www.busybins.co.uk or give by calling us on 0161 766 3330. 
  • Most importantly...you know that you waste is being disposed of in the correct manner by a reputable company. If you wish to see any of our legal documentation then please email binfo@busybins.co.uk and we will be happy to provide copies of this. Our waste carriers licence number is CB/DU222271 for any online checks you wish to carry out.

So come and take part in the service with a smile. Don't just take our word for it though, throughout our 7 years of being in business, we have received over 900 verified customers reviews who have rated us 4.9 out of 5 on our service. 

We are so proud of them!

To have a peek out our reviews, click here: https://busybins.co.uk/reviews

To book your next waste collection, contact us today at: www.busybins.co.uk


Now you have seen the bandits out there. remember to keep cracking down on them. 

A world without fly-tipping is a world where bins can roam free and rubbish trucks can graze peacefully. So let's keep fighting the good fight against illegal dumping and say no to litterbugs, one blog post at a time. 

Until next time, keep your rubbish where it belongs and your hands where we can see them! Stay fly-tipping free our friends!

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