15 Aug, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris
Office Desk facing outwards with laptop, books and a mug on top of the desk. Red office chair. The desk is in a jungle environment.

Once again, welcome our blogging enthusiasts, to our blog on all the fun, creative and different ways that you can help turn your energy sapping office, into an eco-friendly working space, to impress clients, staff and whoever else decides to grace your office with their presence. 

In this article you will find: ways to make your office more Eco-friendly, what things to avoid in your office and some of the best Eco-friendly office gadgets that we have scoured the internet to bring to you.

Image of a office with lots of green plants.

Why you should make your office more Eco friendly

Listen up office dwellers. It is time to channel our inner eco-warriors and make our workplace more sustainable. Why, you ask? Well, aside from impressing Mother Nature with your green prowess, there are plenty of perks for you and your business. 

Your office being more eco-friendly not only fosters a positive company image, but also attracts more environmentally conscious clients, and boosts employee morale. Moreover, sustainable practices often result in cost savings through reduced energy consumption and waste management expenses.

Picture this: a guilt free coffee break sipping from your reusable cup, or basking in the glow of LED lights that save both energy and your eyesight, or breathing in fresh air from all those delightful office plants. 

By making your office more eco-friendly, you not only contribute to a greener futures but also create a healthier, more efficient and thriving workspace for everyone. Sounds like a WIN WIN to me. 

Image of a clipboard with wording saying 10 green tips and a checklist. Forest setting in the background.

10 green tips for the office

Follow these tips below to transform your office into an environmentally friendly paradise. Grab your reusable coffee cup and let's dive in!

  1. Ditch the Disposables: Throw out the single use plastic cups, cutlery and plates. Why not upgrade to eco-friendly alternatives like Bamboo tableware or compostable cups for coffee. You could save the planet whilst sipping your morning drink like a true sustainable superstar with sustainable materials. Why not try a month with no plastic and reward those who stick to it. 
  2. Offer Commuting Incentives: Encourage greener commuting options for your colleagues. Start a bike sharing program, install showers so people can wash once they arrive at work, or organise a car pooling initiative. Not only will this reduce carbon emission, but you might also discover the joys of morning sing-alongs on the road. You could ever offer monthly green challenges to your employees for prizes. 
  3. Rip up the paper: Embrace the paperless revolution and look to digitalise your documents. Look to invest in cloud based storage or look to use e-signatures to minimise paper waste and truly go paperless. Alternatively, you could also opt for recycled paper products, if you didn't want to take the step to going fully digital. 
  4. Add some plants: Greenery in the office will never go a miss (The legal kind of course) Creating a green office with plants, not only make the space look better but they improve air quality and create a more calming atmosphere. 
  5. Power down like a pro: Unplug those energy sappers, and we aren't talking about your Boss. We are talking about those sneaky chargers, computer monitors, and other devices that suck power even when they are not in use. Unplugging them not only saves energy but also encourages employees to do the same. 
  6. Sustainability Heroes: Sustainability team unite! Designate a team of eco-warriors who will lead the charge, organising events, sharing tips, and inspiring their fellow coworkers to embrace more green habits. Don't forget to award them with a cape. 
  7. Recycling Scheme: Enabling a more successful recycling program can help to make your office more environmentally friendly. Create eye-catching recycling stations, clever slogans and funky signs to entice your employees to recycle more. Why not add Basketball Hoops over each  recycling bin, and at the end of every day, you and your team could take turns to see who can throw the most in the bins, winner takes a prize. 
  8. Say bye to Bottled Water: Banish plastic water bottles from your office, opting instead for water coolers or filtered tap water. Encourage employees to bring their own reusable bottles. Just be prepared for a sharp increase in toilet breaks!
  9. Light up your Office: Make your office more sustainable by swapping your old guzzling light bulbs for more energy efficient LED lights. Not only will you reduce your electricity bill, but you will also create a work environment that is as bright and inviting as a summer day on the beach. Also look out for more energy-efficient appliances and green cleaning supplies. 
  10. Educate your staff: Host regular workshops and seminars on sustainable practices to educate and engage your staff. You could also try to educate staff through informational lunch-and-learn and also educate staff through informational newsletters/emails to show how the impact on the environment and how to make a more eco-friendly office environment, 

Remember, small changes can make a big difference, so grab that green cape and start your journey towards a greener,brighter and more sustainable workplace. Combining competition and going green can help keep the whole office interested in the journey.

Challenge the office to go above and beyond and see who the heroes really are!

Top 5 eco friendly gadgets. 5 electrical items on a 5 tier podium. Jungle setting in the background.

Top 5 Eco Friendly Office Gadgets

  1. Solar-Powered Charger: A solar-powered charger allows you to harness clean energy from the sun to charge your electronic devices. It is portable and ideal for businesses that frequently work outdoors or on the go, reducing the reliance on conventional electricity sources.
  2. Energy-Efficient Computers: Opting for energy-efficient computers and laptops can significantly reduce power consumption. Look for devices that have earned Energy Star certification, as they meet certain energy efficiency guidelines.
  3. Smart Power Strips: Smart power strips are designed to eliminate "vampire power," this doesn't mean you need to get the Garlic out. All Vampire Power is, is the energy consumed by devices that are plugged in but not in use. These power strips can automatically cut off power to devices when they are not actively being used, saving energy and reducing electricity bills.
  4. Eco-Friendly Printers: Choose printers that are specifically designed to be environmentally friendly. Look for features like duplex printing (printing on both sides of the paper) to reduce paper waste, as well as printers that use recycled or eco-friendly ink cartridges.
  5. LED Lighting Systems: Switching to LED lighting systems is an effective way to reduce energy consumption in the workplace. LED lights are highly energy-efficient, have a longer lifespan, and produce less heat. Upgrading to LED bulbs or installing LED lighting fixtures can decrease electricity usage and help lower business costs.

It goes without saying that if you have any form of vehicle that you use within your business, that you should always try to look for fully electric or hybrid models to manage your impact on the environment. 

Remember, eco-friendly gadgets are just one part of creating a sustainable business. It's important to include other environmentally friendly practices like recycling, waste reduction, and promoting energy saving throughout your company.

As always, if you have any other gadgets that you use in your business, that you think would help other businesses, please let us know!

Eco Friendly Office. 4 different coloured recycling bins outside on the road with offices in the background. Member of Busy Bins staff stood next to the bins,

Remember, saving the planet is no small task! With these eco-friendly office gadgets and green practices, your business can make waves in sustainability while keeping productivity flowing.

So, let's power down the waste, unplug the computers, and give Mother Nature a standing ovation. Because when it comes to creating an eco-friendly office, it's all about working smarter, greener, and leaving a lighter footprint behind.

Keep the green spirit alive, folks!

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