14 Jun, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris


Discovering maggots in your bins can be an unpleasant and unsettling experience. However, don't you worry! This blog aims to provide you with effective strategies and tips on how to get rid of maggots. Think of this as your war chest on how to prevent your wheelie bins from being taken over by swarms of wriggly Putins! 

By following these steps, you can maintain a clean and hygienic environment, free from those meddling maggots.  


What are Maggots? 

You may know this already but Maggots are Flies! Just a very early stage of a Fly. Maggots are fly larvae. They are legless, soft bodied creatures that come in various sizes and colours. 

Understanding the life of flies helps shed light on how maggots exist. The flies life consists of four stages: Egg, Larva (Maggots), Pupa and Adult. After mating, flies lay eggs which can hatch maggots. The maggots then feed on organic matter. Once fully developed. they enter the Pupa stage, where they transform into adult flies. 

We may not like Maggots, but, they actually play a vital role in the earth and nature. Maggots are basically like the Police Crime Squad Clean Up Crew, they come along and break down dead animals, plants and other materials. They also serve as valuable food for birds, insects and other small creatures. 

Average Life Expectancy of a fly is 21 days. Image is in the style of 21 Days Later film branding with flies, maggots and eggs in the image. Busy Bins

Why do they appear in Bins? 

When the sun is hot and the food is sweaty, these wiggly little creatures throw a little get together, donning tiny sunglasses and party hats. How do they choose this location for their epic event? 

Inside your bin, of course.

It seems that maggots have an ability to detect the finest, stinkiest cuisine in the town, which, unfortunately for us, happens to be our discarded leftovers. Picture this unsightly scenario for a second: The flies are attracted to the smell of food or nappies, the flies settle on your rubbish, they then mate on top of your rubbish like some sordid 1980s sex party, where they may lay eggs. Hey Presto, you are now housing hundreds of maggots.

They follow the scent like a Beagle finding a bone, ready to turn our bins into their own 5-star restaurant.

So, the next time you spot maggots in your bins, just remember, it's not because your cooking is so bad and your bin is smelling, it is because they have impeccable taste, even if it is a bit on the rotten side.

Flies are attracted to smells. Image of a woman in a bright yellow dress with green flowers. She has a peg on her nose and a grimace on her face as in the background is a bin that's stinking in the sunshine. The bin is overflowing and swarmed in flies with rats at the base. Busy Bins

The Risks of Maggots in Bins?

Besides the obvious inconvenience of having uninvited guests wriggling around, there are some risks that come with the territory. 

For starters, these party animals can attract a whole entourage of pests, who see the maggots as an open invitation for a reunion. Soon enough, you will have a full blown pest parade marching through your home. Not to mention the foul odours that accompany them. 

They also pose health hazards: They are known to carry bacteria and pathogens, that could turn your bin into a biohazard zone. So if you are looking to avoid the late night maggot raves and keep some harmony in your home, it is best to bid farewell to them swiftly. 

Keeping your bin clean. Image of the Busy Bins bin man stood next to a yellow jet wash and a sparkling clean bin that has just been washed.

How to get rid?

Perfect timing into our next section on how we get rid of these maggots. 

The maggot chase begins.

Firstly, you will need to hone your inner Sherlock Holmes to locate the maggots hideout, once located, it is time to assemble the army.

On your side you have:

The Maggot Sucker, your trusty hoover, who is a seasoned warrior with many critters to their name.

The Kettle Killer, get that water boiling and watch it go. Pouring boiling water on the maggots will kill them instantly.

You can also throw in a mixture of lime, salt or vinegar that will also kill them. 

If you want to impress your neighbours on how many different ways to kill maggots, why not try putting some baking soda down once the slaughter is done so that you can eliminate the odour. 

We may have took a bit too much enjoyment out of this section of the blog. 

Cleaning your bin

After the dust has settled, and the battlefield is awash with your little, wriggly, disease ridden enemies, it is time to wash them and your sins away. Grab your hose and unleash a torrent of water into your bin until all those squirmy maggots slide right out. 

Once you have rinsed them away, grab a bit of vinegar and lemon juice concoction (You can also use disinfectant) and give the bin a thorough scrubbing, making sure to get every corner, this will keep your bin sparkling bright and will deter any more unwanted visitors. 

Lastly, wheel your bin back to its position to stand with honour and envy amongst the bin peers. 

If the thought of cleaning or getting rid of maggots strikes fear into your heart, there are also local professional bin cleaning companies that will offer to come to your house to help alleviate the problem for you and wash out your bin.

Home remidies and recipes to rid yourself of maggots. Images in a simple graphic design style of vinegar, salt, lavender essence and bleach. Busy Bins.

Remedies and Recipes to help you

You may have seen some of our deadly tricks above, but we have plenty of recipes and remedies for you to your teeth into (Not literally as you will get ILL)

Saltwater - Dissolve quite a large amount of sale into hot water. Once the solution has cooled, pour it over the maggots. The salt will dehydrate and kill them. 

Vinegar - Create a solution of equal parts water and vinegar. Pour in onto the infested area, the strong smell will repel them and eliminate the infestation.

Hot Water - The high temperate of the water will effectively kill them.

Essential Oils - You can create a deadly spray, by mixing a few drops of lavender, tea tree or peppermint with water. This will deter flies or maggots better then your granddaddy's aftershave does.

Bleach - Dilute bleach with water. Take caution when using bleach as it may damage surfaces or fabrics.

Freezing - If you can safely remove the infested maggots, place them in a sealed bag and channel your inner Frozone. The extreme cold will kill them within 24 hours.

Added Tips and Tricks

  • Try and wash out your food waste bin regularly, to help stop the maggots returning or arriving in the first place. Always disinfect after your bin is emptied.
  • Make sure that you bin is tightly closed and secure to prevent flies from accessing the organic waste inside. Remember if flies can get in your bin lid, they will lay their eggs that hatch into maggots. They can lay hundreds of egg at a time, which can lead to maggots within 24 hours.
  • Bin bags need to be tightly fastened before placing into your bin.
  • Dispose of your food scraps or organic waste properly by sealing it in bags before placing it in the bin. This reduces the likelihood of attracting flies and maggots with your bin smelling.
  • Place fly traps or sticky tape near the bins to catch adult flies before they lay their eggs, preventing future maggots.


Dealing with maggots in your bins can be a frustrating experience, but with the right strategies, you can bid them farewell. From using vinegar and saltwater solutions to employing your spray of essential oils to help fight the battle, we hope you got several ideas that you can try.

Remember, swift action, cleanliness and preventative measures are your friends when it comes to these critters. So, roll up your sleeves, and get these tips in action, and enjoy an easy way to get the flies away and make your household maggot-free once again. Or you could just give us a call!

If you want to help keep the maggots and flies away, we are always happy to help lend a hand. At Busy Bins, we have years of dealing with the presence of maggots and are ninja-trained to kick away those critters. 

That is a lie!

No training has been given, no bin kicks will be unleashed, but...what we can guarantee is, that we are always ready to step in when you want to get your bin emptied, giving you peace of mind that the maggots will stay away for good.

Give us a call on 0161 766 3330 or book your bin collection online at www.busybins.co.uk


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