28 Apr, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris

We have got something exciting to show you and we want you to be the first to know! We are going to be welcoming some lovely, new additions to the family. 2 Big, Green, Waste Collecting Machines. Our beautiful Twins!

We are pleased to announce that they both weigh in at a healthy 57,320 pounds, but, we need your help. At the moment, they are loved but as of now unnamed, and this is where you come in. 

We will be launching our Busy Bins Name the Wagon competition. All you have to do to enter is visit our website at www.busybins.co.uk or enter via our social media channels. 

So it is time to get your favourite names, puns welcomed, we will be giving a bin full of beer of win as a prize to the winner (To wet the wagons head so to speak) as well as having your chosen name for all to see on the front of our new wagons!

Why we bought a new wagon and not second hand

First and foremost, we have been itching to get new wagons for ages, but we have had two trusty old faithful's that have kept us going throughout the years, but, unfortunately, these old faithful's do rinse us dry! Over the past months, they have been breaking down more and more, causing us stress and costing us time and money to run! 

Secondly, there is a new GM Clean Air Scheme coming into action, so, we know change is needed!

You may not have heard of the GM Clean Air Scheme but this was meant to be coming into effect for all commercial vehicles be that: Van/Lorry's or Trucks. This means that all commercial diesel vehicles entering and exiting Greater Manchester, will have to make sure that all their trucks meet the legal limits of Carbon Dioxide on the roads to help clean up the air around Greater Manchester or pay around £80 per day. This works out an awful lot for a small business. 

The scheme has now been delayed but wasn't when we ordered the trucks and had to plan for the future. 

So, unfortunately, with the constant breaking down and the new Greater Manchester Clean Air Scheme, we think it is best for us to say our goodbyes and trade our trucks in for some new shiny ones! (We don't recommend doing this with your real family)

This means that we can not only do our bit to help the local community and environment. We can also get some new trucks glistening whilst coming down your road, with hopefully your winning name on the front and low emissions coming out the back!

Sounds like a great deal to us!

How a Bin Wagon Works

The nitty gritty! Where it gets real dark and dirty! The rubbish stuff you could say!

We have all seen a bin lorry, some of us were even obsessed with them as children (just us then) but have you ever wondered how it works? Well wonder no more!

It is a simple process, the waste is collected by the waste operator, where it is then lifted onto the back of the bin wagon. The lip of the bin is placed on the lifting comb and this is what keeps the bin secured as it raised and emptied.  Once the waste is inside the hopper (the area where the waste drops into), the bin wagon has a compactor inside, think of it as a large metal hand. This compactor will actually grab and squeeze all the waste right to the back of the truck to make as much room as possible and to make sure that all the space is being used. 

As the truck fills up more, the space gets smaller and smaller until no more can be lifted, meaning that the truck has been filled and this would then have to be tipped at the waste recycling facility or landfill.  Once onsite, the truck can be tipped from inside the cab. Once in position, the operator will press the button to raise the tail lift right into the air, once that's raised, he will cycle the scoop to clear any bits left in the hopper or on the blade. He will then eject the load by pressing the button to push out the hydraulic ram, driving the vehicle forward once this has been done so he can clear the waste and close the tail lift. To close the back section (the tail lift) the operator will need to get out of the cab and use the buttons on the side for the final last metre of closing. This is a safety feature that ensures you use both hands and have full visibility, stopping anybody getting trapped.  Once tipped and emptied the truck can then be refilled with new waste.

It is magic!

How we Ordered the Bin Wagon

The behind the scenes action! 

A true inside job. 

We knew that we wanted DAF trucks with Geesink collection equipment. 

Once you have found the right wagon or wagons that you are interested, we always get in touch with the seller to ask them some questions about the vehicle. For instance on a previously used model we would ask for: the mileage, any previous issues, is the logbook up to date etc. This stops us from receiving any unwanted problems once we pick up the wagon, as we can always go back to the seller and query what they assured us of. On our second hand wagons we also had it looked over by two mechanics to give it that proper check.

Obviously for a brand spanking one, there should be zero issues of note and it would just be a case of waiting for the production to take place. It's first built in the DAF factory where the cab and chassis are manufactured. Once that part it finished it's shipped to the Geesink factory where the body and collection equipment is built and connected to the chassis. 

The wagon is then painted in our branded green.

Once the truck hits the depot, it would always be time to wrap it and give them the famous Busy Bins makeover! This would involve sending the wagon to a local body wrapping company that would wrap the Bin Wagon with the chosen design that we have sent over. 


New Busy Bins 18 Tonne Bin Wagon. Side on Photograph of the Geesink Norba Bin Wagon. Newly Painted Green but awaiting signage.

Different Types of Refuse Vehicles

You may think every wagon is the same, but you would be amazed at how many different vehicle types, sizes and shapes that are out there! 

Firstly, vehicle sizes, this are always named in Tonnes, all that this means is, the total weight of the vehicle and it's load once filled. For instance, if it is a 26 tonne, once filled the vehicle should weigh up to 26 Tonne (You will get in trouble by DVSA if you go over this weight), a vehicle this size can hold roughly 12 tonnes of waste etc... this is mainly used when dropping off waste a recycling facility or landfill. 

This is because the vehicle is weighed on entering the facility and then weighed again on exit, so that they know exactly how much waste has been removed from the lorry. This means that you only pay by weight of what you drop off and not the vehicle as a whole!

  • 7.5 Tonne
  • 15 Tonne
  • 18 Tonne
  • 26 Tonne
  • 32 Tonne.

Now for vehicle types. All over the world, you will find a wide variety of vehicle types, from your split lift to your Toploader (We aren't dancing in the moonlight here) & we promise we do have a life outside of bin trucks. 

At this point we do feel like that person that goes around the UK taking pictures of their favourite roundabout. So,  What's your favourite roundabout?

Sorry, we got a bit distracted then, back to the types! Those lovely truck types. They are:

  • Split Lift: This is commonly used so that 2 bins can be emptied at 1 time. There are also Split Body trucks which helps separate different waste streams, so you could empty Paper & Cardboard into one side & Glass into the other side without mixing any waste.
  • Trade Lift: A trade lift is just one whole lift, that will lift one bin at a time. Mainly used for large Commercial & Industrial bins.
  • Toploader: Used for when collecting food or glass, so that you don't crush the glass or squash the food, the truck is loaded and filled from the top.
  • REL: Rear End Loader: The bins are collected and load at the rear of the vehicle.
  • FEL: Front End Loader: The bins are collected and loaded at the front of the vehicle.

Name the Truck Competition 

So just to give you a quick rundown again of what this comp is and what you can win, please see below: 

As you have read above, we have just purchased some brand spanking bin trucks, and this is where we want you to put your creative touch to it!


It can be any name that your heart & head desires, it can be funny, smart, clever, a pun, your dogs name, you name it, we will get it! 

The name that stands out the most, or makes us laugh the most will win, and you will be sent a picture of the truck with it's newly crowned name for you to show off to your mates. 

You will also win a BIN FULL OF BEER or a BIN FULL OF WINE (Your Choice and if Teetotal we can give you a prize of similar value). 

So. come and get involved once open. All you have to do to enter is: 

  • Send us your truck names on FB, Twitter or Instagram


  • Enter via our website at www.busybins.co.uk

What are you waiting for!? Get those truck names in and hopefully you could be seeing your newly named waste collection truck around town!

Time to enter mothertruckers!

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