21 Jan, 2025
Written By: Josh Morris

A Guide to Safe Hazardous Waste Disposal

 Illustration of a guide for safe disposal of hazardous waste for businesses, showing a bin and hazard symbols, like flammable and toxic, within red diamonds.

If you have ever lived with children or an outright smelly partner, you will know some prime examples of what is hazardous waste! 

Businesses around the UK and the world, have to ensure that if they are ever dealing with hazardous waste, that they do so by following the rules and safely handling any waste that could be classed as hazardous. 

In this guide, we will be giving you the full run down on: What waste is classed as hazardous. How to handle this waste & the punishments if any company is caught mishandling this.

Safety goggles on please...it could get dangerous! 

What Is Hazardous Waste and Why Is Safe Disposal Important for Businesses?

Hazardous waste is basically any type of waste that can cause a hazard to human health, animal health or environmental health. 

When waste is not properly disposed of with safe and proven methods, it could lead to the contamination of the area around where the waste is kept. 

But, what type of contamination's we hear you cry? 

  • Soil and Water Contamination: These substances can creep into soil or waste, which can poison drinking supplies.
  • Air Pollution: If hazardous waste is burnt, it can release toxic gases into the air, which humans can breathe in...nobody wants to be breathing in that!
  • Health Hazards: Any direct exposure to hazardous waste could result in a wide variety of health issues, with the most extreme being death.

If any business is ever caught illegally or unsafely disposing of this type of waste, they could face a lot of trouble, financially and personally.  This could include: fines, legal action, and damage of your company reputation.  

Common Types of Hazardous Waste in Businesses

This could be anything from batteries, chemicals, solvents or even excrement! 

There are plenty of different types of hazardous waste out there & businesses in the UK need to know what to look out for when you are dealing with any type of waste. 

It is a businesses duty of care to ensure that the correct waste is disposed of in the correct way, especially Hazardous!

Here are some of the different hazardous waste that businesses may come across:

  • Chemicals - Acids or Cleaning Agents are used in industries like manufacturing. 
  • Solvents - Paint Thinners, Degreasers etc. 
  • Batteries - AA, AAA, Big industry batteries. These all contain Lead, Lithium etc. 
  • Pesticides - This is why you wash your lettuce and cucumbers! These pesticides can be extremely toxic to humans & animals. 
  • Asbestos - Thankfully it is not used as much anymore, but you hear of the horror stories of it lasting over 50 years in human lungs. We feel that Micro-Plastic is the new Asbestos!
  • Electronic Waste - Your phones are important, but they can also be very hazardous! Lead, Mercury & flame retardants can all be found inside. 

How to Safely Dispose of Hazardous Waste for Businesses

Now that we all know what different types of hazardous waste to watch out for when owning your own commercial property.

It isn't as simple as throwing it in with your rubbish bins & you definitely don't want to be hoarding it on your premises! 

So, how do we safely dispose of this waste? By following these steps of course! 

Step 1: Identify Hazardous Waste

If you have any of the toxic waste listed above, then ensure that you recognise and identify this. This means any materials that your business generates that could be classed as toxic or hazardous to health.

Clearly label them & signpost the area around it, so that everyone knows what it is. Place a waste classification code on the waste to specifically identify each one. 

Step 2: Store Waste Safely

We only have to look at the tragedy in Beirut, to look at what can go horribly wrong. Ammonium nitrate wasn't stored safely & ended up exploding tragically killing and injuring many.

It was due to a fire that then spread to a warehouse which was storing OVER 2,750 tonnes of this highly explosive material!

This was one of the largest non-nuclear explosions in history, all because hazardous waste wasn't stored  correctly!

We aren't saying that is going to happen to your business, but you need to be aware of how extreme things can become!

Use Secure containers, well-ventilated areas & away from sunlight can keep you compliant. 

Step 3: Develop a Waste Management Plan

Fail to Prepare, Prepare to Fail

Without a solid plan for your hazardous waste in the workplace, you are putting your employees, and business at risk!

Create a waste management plan that gives a full run down on what, where, how and why safe waste management is needed. 

This plan should include: 

  • Employee training on proper waste handling.
  • Emergency procedures for spills or accidents.
  • Record-keeping for waste generation and disposal activities.

Step 4: Select a Licensed Waste Disposal Service

Just like with any type of business waste, always choose a licensed waste disposal service! 

Now if you are dealing with hazardous waste, then picking the correct waste carrier is even more important! 

Choose a licensed waste dispose service that specialises in managing and treating hazardous waste.

Search around for reviews & recommendations to ensure that you are choosing the best possible provider for yourself...and your waste!

Step 5: Follow Regulations and Maintain Documentation

When dealing with any form of hazardous waste, following regulations is crucial! 

Keep detailed records of what waste has been generated, stored & disposed of. Ensure you get a consignment note or duty of care note so that you know your waste has been legally disposed of! 

If you do get audited at all or you haven't been disposing of waste safely & someone puts in a complaint, you could face a hefty fine or sentence!

Regulations and Compliance for Hazardous Waste Disposal

As hazardous waste can be so damaging to the environment around us, it is imperative that it is disposed of correctly, this is why the UK have plenty of regulations and procedures in place to ensure that this happens.

Some of the key UK regulations are: 

Key Hazardous Waste Disposal Regulations:

  • Environmental Protection Act 1990
  • Hazardous Waste Regulations 2005
  • COSHH (Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations)
  • Duty of Care Regulations
  • Landfill Directive

Industry Certifications and Procedures:

  • Environment Agency Registration
  • Waste Hierarchy Compliance


Another day, another blog down!

Now, we know that you most likely understood what waste is hazardous, especially if you own a business & it being drilled into us from such an early age. 

Don't be like us and lick batteries when you were younger, because you liked the tingle on your tongue (Yes, this is a true story)

 Be aware of what waste is hazardous, how to dispose of it, and the best companies to use if you do find that you are generating waste. 

It is not only your fellow humans and environment that will thank you, but the future of your business. Show your community that you care about it. 

Summarize the key points covered in the guide, reinforcing the importance of proper hazardous waste disposal for businesses to protect the environment, avoid penalties, and promote sustainable practices.

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