12 Oct, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris

Choosing the Right Waste Management Supplier: 8 Key Questions to Ask for Small Businesses

A photograph of the Busy Bins Bin Wagon in Action. Picture is taken at the back of the Bright Green Bin Truck with owner Josh Morris emptying a green 240L wheelie bin looking into the back of the truck. Josh is in full uniform and hi viz vest. Picture of the bin wagon is without a background.

Shout out to all our small business owners!

We are all part of this secret club that everyone wants to join until they realise the long hours and stress that comes with it! We are a breed of our own!

You may be new in the dog eat dog business world, or you may be a weary veteran, still in the trenches after all these years. Regardless of whether you are just starting out or not, when selecting any supplier for your business you need to make sure that you have all the details so that you are fully informed prior to signing on the dotted line! 

We have put together our top 8 key questions for you to quiz your potential waste management suppliers on. If you follow these tips you will be able to differentiate the top tippers from the cowboy binners! and save yourself a little stress. 

Question 1: What Services Do You Offer?

Simple question, and easy enough for you to find out without contacting the business. Look on the suppliers site to see what services that they offer.

Are the services on offer a good fit with what you are looking for in your business? Are the services going to benefit your business? Are there any additional services of interest? What type of waste do they collect? What types of bins do you supply and collect? Do they do commercial waste? Hazardous waste? Are they environmentally friendly?

If you can't find a certain service that your business needs, feel free to give them a call and ask the question. It is important to find a supplier that offers everything you need. Just like life, all businesses are different, so it is crucial for selecting a waste management company that you find one that can tailor to your needs.  

Question 2: Do You Operate in My Area Often Enough? 

This is a question that is often overlooked. You don't want to be left with overflowing rubbish because you waste supplier is only in your area once every 2 weeks. So make sure to ask them how often they operate in your area!

Having a consistent waste collection is key to, firstly, being able to organise how much waste you are using and secondly, so that you have a clean and efficient workplace.

Remember, you're not looking for a waste supplier who's as elusive as Bigfoot. Make sure they're in your area often enough to keep your waste under control!

Question 3: Direct Collector or Waste Broker?

This may seem a strange question...aren't all the waste suppliers going to be direct collectors? Unfortunately, this isn't true. We don't want to point fingers at any business but we always recommend using a waste supplier that is a direct collector and not a waste broker. 

Direct Collectors manage the entire waste collection process from your initial call all the way up-to payment and completion.

Where as Waste Brokers act as the middleman, which can result in less care or dedication to collecting your waste on time and correctly, as they don't directly deal with your waste. 

This also means that the company that end up collecting your waste for the broker may also have a lack of care for doing the job to the best of their abilities as they only have to deal with the Broker and not you as a customer. 

Question 4: Do You Have Online Reviews?

In today's digital age, online reviews are a goldmine of information. Check if your potential waste supplier has online reviews. They provide insights into the experiences of other businesses and can be an important factor on how reliable the waste carrier is. 

Look at trusted reviewing websites such as: Trust Pilot, Reviews.co.uk, Google Reviews etc. With these trusted websites only verified buyers can actually review the services, so you know that they aren't fake reviews, or the businesses friends reviewing for them. 

Before you commit, make sure your waste supplier has more stars then Hollywood!

After all, your waste deserves a five-star treatment!

Question 5: What Happens to the Waste? Do You Have a Waste Carrier's License?

Knowing what happens to your waste is vitally important. Not just for peace of mind but also from a legal standpoint too. As long as the supplier you're using have a Waste Carriers Licence, you will be covered.

A Waste Carriers Licence basically means that the Waste Carrier will be transporting & disposing of your waste stream in a legal manner. 

The last thing you want is to use a Facebook Collector or a waste management provider without a waste carriers licence who ends up dumping all your personal information and waste by the roadside. If you are found to have used an illegal collector, you can face a hefty fine or penalty, as the waste is also your responsibility to dispose of safely. 

Always ask where the waste goes and for a licence when choosing your waste management. 

Question 6: Are All Costs Included in the Quote?

Nobody likes hidden costs or surprise fees landing in their inbox. So make sure to ask for all the costs to be included in any quote that you receive. Ask for any disposal fees, taxes, admin fees, rubbish not collected charges.

Clear pricing on your quotes will ensure that you won't have any nasty payment emails welcoming you in in the morning, and in the long run it means you are fully aware of what your budgets are each month and the costs that come with that.

Find a waste management company that offers to include all costs within any quote to stop the scare that comes from opening every monthly bill. 

Question 7: Excess Weight Fees and Standard Weight Allowances

Don't worry, the excess weight fee isn't used if the driver spots you putting on a few pounds eating late night takeaways, it refers to your bin weight.

This is something that is most often overlooked or not thought of at all which is understandable. Surely, if you are paying for your bin to be collected the weight doesn't matter as it all fits in the same bin? Unfortunately this can be incorrect. 

If your bin is overweight this affects how much weight can be taken in the wagon (Rubbish trucks have a legal road weight limit) If everyone's bin was overweight when collected, this could put the waste disposal company at serious risk of fine or penalties if stopped. 

Understanding excess weight fees and standard weight allowances is crucial for your business but also crucial for the waste management companies as well. You don't want to be caught off guard when you exceed the agreed-upon weight limit. Ask about these details upfront to avoid unexpected costs.

Question 8: Contract Length, Auto-Renewal, and Cancellation

Contract lengths can be like spiders webs, once you are stuck, it is a sticky situation to get out of. Make sure that you are fully aware of the length of the contract that you are signing up for. 

With auto-renewals, make sure to always make a note in your Calendar, Notes, Diary, whatever it is that you use to remind yourself when your auto-renewal date is. Some companies will pin their hopes on the fact that you will forget your auto-renewal date so that you are automatically locked in for another 2 years!

Ask your waste provider what their cancellation process is. Do you have to cancel 4 weeks before your auto-renewal date? Is there a cancellation fee? Can you cancel within the first 14 days of your contract if not satisfied?

Gather all the information you can on these as they may seem like tiny details, but these can easily be so costly for your business. 

Bonus Question: How quickly do they respond to your initial inquiry?

In today's fast-paced business world, responsiveness is often something that is overlooked. A quick response to your initial enquiry usually indicates that the supplier in question cares about customer service.

The last thing you want is your waste piling up while you are still waiting for a reply. 

If they are quick to respond to you with details and assurances of when they can collect, where they can collect, the chances are they won't leave you on hold when your waste bin's full.

What we do?

Now you have read about the questions you need to ask, how about you read about the company that will give you the answers!

We offer a flexible weekly or fortnightly transparent waste management solution, so you can rest assured that you won't be receiving any sneaky additional fees.

So, here are a few reasons why you should use us for your next bulky waste collection.

  • Fully Accredited & Licensed. 
  • 12 months contracts / No Auto-Renewal - we are that confident you will rate our service, that you will be auto renewing yourself.
  • Direct collector - We will collect the waste ourselves. 
  • All costs included in the quote! No hidden fees, no additional fees.
  • Waste is disposed of in the correct manner by a reputable company. If you wish to see any of our legal documentation then please email binfo@busybins.co.uk and we will be happy to provide copies of this. Our waste carriers licence number is CB/DU222271 for any online checks you wish to carry out.

So come and take part in the service with a smile.

Don't just take our word for it though, throughout our 7 years of being in business, we have received over 1000 verified customers reviews who have rated us 4.9 out of 5 on our service. 

We are so proud of them!

To have a peek out our reviews, click here: https://busybins.co.uk/reviews

To book your next waste collection, contact us today at: www.busybins.co.uk


In the world of choosing a waste management company, the questions that you ask can make all the difference in finding the best possible partner for your business.

As long as you ask the key questions above and receive the right answers, you will be able to sleep easy knowing that in the world of fast-paced, stressful business, at least your waste is being taken care of. 

By being smart and strategic in your enquiries, you can ensure that your business partners with a waste supplier that fits your needs like a glove (or a BinBag). 

Get searching for those top tippers!

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