14 Mar, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris
Busy Bins Logo adapted for Food Waste with brocolli on fork going into smile. Busy Bins green bin in the background filled with food waste items.

Food Waste Recycling Guide and Food Bin Collections from Busy Bins 


Do you ever find yourself with a fridge full of wilted greens and questionable leftovers? Or, maybe you're just curious about how to turn your tea bags and coffee grounds into a renewable resource that can help to save the planet? Well, you have come to right place!

We are diving headfirst into the world of food waste recycling. From the science behind it, to the funky ways you can turn your scraps into something new and exciting. Grab a snack or two, and lets get down and dirty. It's time to turn that food waste frown upside down!

Food Waste Statistics. Blacked Shadow Images of Food Items with Symbols imposed.

Food Waste Statistics 

  • Globally - 1.3 Billion Tonnes of Food is wasted each year.
  • Over ⅓ of all food waste produced globally goes to waste. 
  • The UK throws away around 9.5 Million Tonnes of food waste in a single year. 
  • 8.4 Million people in the UK are in Food Poverty.
  • 60% of Food Waste comes from the home and the other 40% is from business. 
  • On a per capita basis, the average global household waste 74kg of food. 

Top 5 Countries who produce the Most Food Waste (UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021)

  1. China - 179 Million Tonnes
  2. India - 128 Million Tonnes
  3. US - 45 Million Tonnes
  4. Nigeria - 37 Million Tonnes
  5. Indonesia - 21 Million Tonnes 

Top 5 Countries who produce the Most Food Waste Per Capita (UNEP Food Waste Index Report 2021)

  1. Nigeria - 189kg
  2. Rwanda - 164kg
  3. Greece - 142kg
  4. Bahrain - 132kg
  5. Malta - 129kg 

Top 5 Countries for reducing Food Loss and Food Waste as Ranked by the Food Sustainability Index 

  1. France
  2. Netherlands
  3. Canada
  4. Finland 
  5. Japan 

UK Supermarkets Ranked (Feedback Local ranked the UK’s top ten supermarkets based on publicly available information on their work to reduce food waste. Our ranking assessed the supermarkets against the food use hierarchy which requires that prevention be the priority towards tackling waste.

B. Tesco

C. Sainsburys

D+. Aldi

D. Lidl, Asda and Morrisons

E. Coop, M&S and Iceland

F. Waitrose 

Why is Food Waste a Problem? 

Don't throw it out just yet! Did you know that every year, billions of tonnes of food go to waste around the world? That's right, billions with a B! Not only is this a huge waste of valuable resources like water, energy and land, but it also has serious environmental consequences. When food waste ends up in landfills, it produces harmful greenhouse gas like methane! 

So next time you are thinking of throwing your food away, have a second thought to see if you can use it an a more beneficial way.

What Happens to Food Waste?

When Recycled...

The recycling service process is long but we will try and make it short and sweet. 

Composting is regarded the most natural process of recycling food waste. This is where microorganisms and worms break down the food waste, into a nutrient rich soil called Compost. During composting, the microorganisms consume the organic matter in the food waste and release carbon dioxide, waste and heat. 

Composting can be done on a small case, such as in your garden or on a larger scale, such as a commercial composting facility. In both cases, the process will take anywhere from a few weeks to serval months depending on the temperature and moisture content etc.

By recycling your weekly food waste through composting, we can reduce the amount that ends up in landfill, where it can release methane and other greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, which can have a drastic affect on the environment.

When put into the General Waste Bin... 

We don't want to alarm you, but, if you accidently put your Food Waste into the General Waste Bin, it would mean that it would not be recycled, and even worse, if food waste is put into the wrong bin (no matter the amount of food) it could actually spoilt the rest of the recyclable materials and mean a whole load may need to be disposed of and sent to landfill, which isn't good for us or the planet...No Pressure then!

Benefits of Food Waste Recycling 

Food waste recycling isn't just for the granola-loving hippies among us!

Oh no, it's time to get funky with our food waste! By sending our food scraps to the recycling bin, we're not only helping to save the planet, but we're also doing our part to create a sustainable future. That's right, food waste can be turned into compost that helps grow delicious fruits and veggies, or even into renewable energy to power our homes and businesses. 

Plus, it is a great excuse to channel your inner mad scientist and experiment with different composting methods or see how much energy you can generate from your leftover lasagne. Embrace the weird and wacky world of food waste recycling and show Mother Nature some love!

Food Waste Anaerobic Digestion Process Image. Simplified graphic showing the inputs of slurry and manure, crops and residues, waste water and food waste going into an anaerobic digester with outputs of biogas and digestate (compost). The Biogas is then used for electricity, heat or biomethane.

How is Food Waste Recycled?

Food is recycled in a variety of ways. It isn't as simple as making the worlds biggest compost heap and hoping for the best. Oh no, recycling can take days, weeks, or even months of treatment. It is the Kim Kardashian of the Waste World!

Food waste recycling services is most commonly recycled through an Anaerobic Digestion Plant. This involves breaking down food waste without oxygen using fertiliser. This then produces a biogas, which can be us as a renewable energy source. Here is how is works: 

  1. Collection: Food waste is collected from households, restaurants, other food related businesses, local councils or waste management companies.
  2. Transport: The waste is transported to the Plant. 
  3. Pre-treatment: The food is pre-treated to remove any contaminants such as plastics and packaging etc. 
  4. Digestion: The food waste is then fed into an anaerobic digester, this is where the breaking down process happens, to create the biogas.
  5. Separation: The biogas is separated from the fertiliser and used to generate electricity, heat or fuel for vehicles.

Who knew food waste information could be so tasty!

Two Lists of Food Waste Items that can and can't be put into a food waste bin. We can take food without packaging. We can't take anything non-organic, pet waste, liquids, oils or soil.

What can go in your Food Waste Bin?


General Food Waste such as: Fruit, Vegetables, Meat & Fish, Non-Liquid Dairy, Rice, Tea Bags & Coffee Grounds, Eggs including the shells. Basically every cooked and uncooked food waste that your bin desires!

Also: Flowers & other garden waste can go into your outside Food Waste Bin,  however we don't expect you to be squeezing a million tonnes of soil into your Indoor Kitchen Caddy. 

What can't go in your Food Waste Bin?

Well we all know you can't be putting in your bin bags & glass bottles, but what else can't go in your Food Waste Bin?

Packaging such as plastic wrappers or bags. Liquids, Oils, General Waste, Nappies. Pet Waste & any other non-recyclable waste.

How can I reduce my Food Waste? Six easy ways to reduce food waste at home

From Composting to using your leftovers from food, here are 6 ways to reduce your food waste: 

  1. Shop with a plan - Don't be a grocery shop wanderer. Make a list and stick to it. That way, you won't be tempted to buy things you don't need, and less food will end up being wasted.
  2. Compost your excess food waste - Find a suitable place in your garden and then put your compostable food waste that you aren't eating or has expired. You don't have to throw this away, you can add to your compost, whilst making your soil rich and bringing a tiny ecosystem into your garden. Win Win!
  3. Get Creative - Turn your almost expired food into a culinary masterpiece. Those wrinkly tomatoes might make a great sauce, and those mushy bananas are perfect for banana bread.
  4. Share with your friends - If you have food that you can't finish, share it with your friends or donate to your local food bank. That way, it won't go to waste and you'll be spreading the love.
  5. Expiry Dates - Check the expiration dates of all your food and eat the ones that are about to go bad first.
  6. Embrace the leftovers -  Give your leftovers a 2nd chance at life like Shamima Begum. They may not look pretty, but they still taste good. 
Food Waste Hierarchy Pyramid. Most preferred Option at the Top with Least Preferred Option at Bottom. From Top: Source Reduction, Feeding People, Feeding Animals, Industrial Use like rendering, Composting, Waste to Energy and finally Landfill.

What is the best way to fix the food waste problem?

The impact of food waste affects the environment and society as a whole. With more and more people on earth now then ever, and people naturally eating more and wasting more food, it is only going to get worse. However, there are a few nifty things that may work:

  1. Use technology - We all know technology has moved on faster then Pete Davidson, so there should be more focus on Food Waste Tracking software, smart packaging, food storage solutions to battle the issue.
  2. Educate the public: The importance of reducing food waste isn't something that many people think about in their day to day life, and we don't blame you with the state of affairs, but, if we raise awareness and provide helpful tips hopefully people will realise the importance.
  3. Government Intervention - Governments could help to reduce food waste by giving out incentives for food waste reduction. Such as Germany do with how they pay the public if they return a plastic bottle once they have used it. 
  4. Composting - The word of the blog & we feel the easiest way to recycle your food waste. You know what it is by now so why aren't you doing it? Talk is cheap until we see the compost heap. 
  5. Donate food - Food that you aren't using will always be welcome at Food Banks, Shelters and other organisations that provide meals to those in need, reducing the amount of food you waste, and for us, a great way of giving back and snacks.

Industries and Business Sectors that definitely need a Food Waste Bin

Every household needs a Food Waste Bin, but, what about businesses? Only specific industries may need a Food Waste Bin. These are: 

Restaurants, Café & any form of takeaway.

Pubs, Clubs & Bars

Schools & Colleges



Sporting Arenas

Busy Bins Food Waste Collection Services. Busy Bins Man Character with 140L Brown Lidded Bin and 240L Brown Lidded Bin either side.

Busy Bins Food Waste Collection Service

As if by magic, we do offer a weekly or fortnightly collection service for your food waste, to help keep your businesses & households smelling fresh and keeping the vermin away. 

We understand that it can be hard waiting weeks for your council to come and collect, especially with the weather getting warmer and bins filling up quicker!

So, here are a few reasons why you should use us for your next Food Waste Collection.

  • No extra bin required 
  • Fully Accredited & Licensed
  • Bin day stays the same as your council collection day
  • Bin put back tidily when emptied
  • One Off Collections or a Regular collection service are available
  • Easy to contact or book: You can do it 24/7 online at www.busybins.co.uk or give us a call on 0161 766 3330. 
  • Most importantly...Our Money Back Guarantee: We are so confident in our service that if for any reason you aren't happy, we will refund you the money.

So come and take part in the service with a smile. Don't just take our word for it though, throughout our 7 years of being in business, we have received over 800 verified customers reviews who have rated us 4.9 out of 5 on our service. 

We are so proud of them!

To have a peek out our reviews, CLICK HERE.

To book your next waste collection, CLICK HERE.

Food Waste Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's

Food Waste Recycling FAQS

How can I make food waste recycling easier?

The best way is to follow some of the tips above. Composting can make it easier in the long run, as all you have to do once you have finished with your cooked food is chuck it on the pile. 

Where can I get replacement food waste liners?

Free replacement waste liners to line your caddy, should be provided by the council. You should receive a plastic waterproof label that you can tie round your rubbish bin, then on your local council collection date, the council will leave the replacement food waste liners by your bin. 

Alternatively, you can purchase biodegradable caddy liners from most supermarkets.

How do I prevent vermin accessing my food caddy?

You can either place the food caddy inside and only place it kerbside on your collection day, or you may be able to purchase a lock from your local council?

Can I put dog/cat faeces in my food bin?

No you are unable to put dog/cat faeces in your food wheelie bin, this needs to be tied up & placed into your General Waste bin.

Can I put pet litter/bedding in my food bin?

Again, this would need to tied and bagged & put into the General Waste bin. 

Will the food bin need cleaning?

We all know the smell of rotten food filling the lungs isn't enjoyable. You can clean the bin yourself after every collection to stop the stench if you wanted. 

Some companies do offer bin cleaning.

Can all food be recycled?

All food can be recycled apart from Liquid based foods.

I don't waste a lot of food - should I still use the food waste collection service?

We understand! We pride ourselves on not wasting food. The waistline says so! But, even if you don't use a lot of food waste, you can still use the food waste service to keep your garden smelling like Daffodils & to stop attracting vermin from rummaging through your bins whilst you sleep.

Can flowers go into the food recycling bin? 

You know it! From your Roses to your Tulips. Flowers of all shapes and sizes can go into your food recycling bin.

If you have any other questions at all, all our FAQs can be seen by CLICKING HERE.


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