24 Nov, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris

Green Practices in Day Nurseries

Green Practices for Nurseries. An image of a ring bound notebook with a children's drawing of a smiling earth surrounded by a love heart, rainbows, family and nature. Around the notepad are 8 felt tip pens that are different colours.

Join us on this journey, from nature-inspired play to the magic of recycling bins, hopefully helping you introduce sustainability and green practices into the very fabric of your early education setting. 

It's not just about teaching the ABCs; it's about fostering a love for the Earth and teaching your children eco-friendly habits from the very beginning.

So, grab your reusable water bottle, put on your favourite green thinking cap, and let's embark on a playful adventure where every leaf is a lesson and no leaf will be left upturned!

Challenges to Becoming Sustainable 

There are a number of challenges that your Nursery may face when looking to become more green or embed sustainable practices within your early childhood education setting. 

Here are some challenges that Nurseries may have to overcome when introducing early childhood education for sustainability in pre-schoolers. 

Limited Budgets: Tight financial constraints can make it challenging for nurseries to invest in eco-friendly technologies or materials, despite their long-term benefits.

Waste Management: Implementing effective waste reduction and recycling programs may be challenging, especially if waste management services in the area are limited.

Staff Training: Providing adequate training for staff on green practices and incorporating sustainability into the curriculum might be challenging, especially if resources or time are limited.

Parent Expectations: Setting the parents expectations and getting them on board with your standard of sustainability can be a challenge. Some parents might rather have convenience of using certain items rather then becoming more sustainabile. 

Energy Consumption: If you have an older building, it may be harder to consume energy as older buildings leak energy a lot more. Look at different ways to be more energy efficient. 

Engaging the community: If your parents or community lack interest in improving their environmental sustainability, it can make this difficult to get across your message and gather support. Find creative ways to help them understand how and why it can help not just you but your community. 

Facing the challenges head on and making sure that everyone has a clear understanding of what needs to be done and more importantly WHY it needs to be done, is paramount to implementing sustainability into early years settings, The key is to keep experimenting and to look at what challenges you may face before putting anything into practice. 

Energy Efficiency Tips in Nurseries

Some tips on how to become more energy-efficient:

LED Lighting: Shed some light on your energy savings! LED bulbs use significantly less energy then traditional bulbs. 

Thermostats Programmes: Get with the programme! Setting up a programme so that the heating comes on only at specific times is an easy way to save money and energy. Set the program to work alongside your Nursery routine. 

Natural Lighting: Step into the limelight. Place play areas or furniture near windows, to create a brighter environment and bring in a bit of natural warmth. You could also look at installing an skylight if possible. 

Energy Efficient Appliances: Upgrade to energy efficient appliances with a higher star rating. Refrigerators, Washing Machines etc are all appliances that could be consuming more electricity then needed, so it is always worth paying a little extra for a more energy efficient item. 

Educate your staff and children: Now that you have some practices in place, it is time to educate your staff and children on them. Host workshops for your staff & create energy activities for your children such as turning off lights to really instill your green initiatives. 

Implementing these energy-efficient practices not only reduces the nursery's environmental footprint but also sets a positive example for children, instilling lifelong habits of sustainability.

Water Conservation Tips

Water conservation doesn't just mean collecting rainwater...oh no...there are plenty of other tricks that you can introduce in your setting to benefit you and your Nursery. Conserving water is a crucial aspect of sustainability practices for Nurseries.

Here are a few different ways in which you can conserve water in your education and care setting: 

Rainwater Harvesting - The go to as we mentioned before. Some would say the GOAT of water conservation and the hot conversation on conservation. (Try saying that 5 times). Set up barrels to collect rainwater, teaching children the importance of reusing water to feed plants. 

Educational Posters: Create colourful posters that illustrate the importance of saving water. Display them in your Nursery to remind children and staff to be mindful of their waste usage. 

Fix Leaks: Regularly checking and fixing any leaks or spillages around your Nursery. Let the children know why it is essential to fix any water leaks.

Water Systems/Irrigation System: Encourage the use of watering cans or drip irrigation systems instead of hoses. This not only saves water but also makes watering plants a fun and interactive activity for kids.

Encourage Hand Hygiene: Promote hand hygiene by teaching children to turn off taps while washing their hands. This not only saves water but also reinforces good habits.

By making water saving tricks part of our everyday games and routines, we're not just keeping things fun at the nursery – we're also showing children to care for our water and build habits that keep our planet happy and healthy! 

As always there are plenty of other tips and tricks out there for you to use, so keep searching around and experimenting to find the tricks that work best for your early years education setting.

Waste Reduction & Recycling Tips

Reusable Water Containers - Encouraging your children and parents to bring in reusable water containers to minimise your plastic waste and save water.

Going Paperless: If you feel you are creating too much paper waste, look at moving more digitally, such as e-newsletters & online portals. This not only reduces waste, but it is easier for you to log and organise your schedules. 

Donation and Reuse - Send out a newsletter asking for donations, or to let them know that you are donating old items. This saves wastage. 

Food Waste Reduction - Look at techniques to reuse wasted items, such as Bubble & Squeak or reusing meat for a soup or broth. This is great way to teach youngsters the importance of reusing items rather then throwing them in the food waste bin.

Energy Efficient Practices: Turning off lights, switching off appliances are just some of the small processes that you can get the children involved in completing every day. Use energy efficient lighting, temperature control heating, recyclable building materials. All there practices can save you money and improve your workplace too. 

Waste Audits: Carry out regular waste audits so that you know exactly how much waste you are creating (Every 6 months) If you don't know where to start when completing a Waste Audit, check out our Waste Guide for Nurseries.

These are just a few little ways of reducing your waste and improving your recycling. We have plenty more tips on reducing your waste, carrying out waste audits, composting etc...on our Comprehensive Waste Guide for Nurseries here: 

Safe & Sustainable Cleaning Practices & Products

Get your hemp laced Marigolds on.

We have got some safe & sustainability products and practices here for you:

Steam Cleaning: Consider using Steam Cleaning instead of Mopping for your floors and surfaces. Steam cleaning can eliminate bacteria without the use of chemicals.

Spot Cleaning: Clean as you go. If you see a stain, clean the stain. We know, with 30/40 children trying to lick the stain off the floor, it isn't helping, but if you clean as spills happen, it reduces the need for those extensive cleans. 

Eco-Friendly Disinfectant: Why not try a diluted vinegar solution. Maybe even Aunt Fannies. It feels so wrong typing that.


Aunt Fannies Cleaning Vinegar: We don't usually condone using a product with the words Vinegar and Fannie in the same sentence but on this occasion we will let it slide.  

Method All Purpose Natural Surface Cleaner: Method uses eco-friendly formulas for their natural surface cleaner. 

Bio-D: Bio-D create ecological and environmentally responsible cleaning products. Their range includes laundry, washing-up liquids, and sanitising cleansers.

Cheeky Panda: Here we are plugging the bamboo again. Cheeky Panda make some fantastic bamboo items which would be ideal for your eco-consciousness Nursery. They make Bamboo Kitchen Roll & Cleaning Wipes. 

Eco Friendly Toys & Materials

We understand when you hear the word Eco Friendly, you are instantly thinking of Bamboo Sticks or even worse your mind wanders to them dreaded paper straws from McDonald's that fall apart after the first sip!

Eco Friendly doesn't have to mean ditching all materials for Bamboo and recycled Kale Lego Bricks. Becoming more Eco-Friendly could literally be as simple as switching the plastic toys for recycled ones or ditching the single use forks and knives. 

Here are a some toys and materials that you can implement into your Nursery:

Bamboo Toys: Now we know we just joked about them, but, bamboo is a fast-growing resource. Toys made from bamboo, like building sets, utensils, or even toy dishes, are durable and eco-friendly.

Cardboard Play sets: Play sets and structures made from recycled cardboard are often lightweight, easy to assemble, and recyclable.

Eco-Friendly Art Supplies: Crayons made from soy or beeswax, water-based paints, and recycled paper for drawing and crafts.

Non-Toxic Play-Do: Use Play-do made from non-toxic, plant-based ingredients, with eco-friendly packaging, or better still, why not encourage children to create their own play-do using Flour, Salt, Oil & Water.

Metal Toys: Toys made from metal are often designed to last longer than plastic ones.

Biodegradable Plastics: Toys made from biodegradable plastics that break down naturally over time, reducing the environmental impact.

When picking eco-friendly toys, think about the whole journey of the product, like what it's made of, how it's made, and if it can be recycled or break down naturally. Check for labels that show what the toy is made from. 

Nature & Outdoor Play

It can be hard to introduce Nature & Outdoor play into a Nursery setting if you just haven't got the room, but, not to worry as there are a number of creative ways that you can use to organically instil this into your nursery world.

Indoor Gardens: Create small indoor gardens using potted plants, flowers, or herbs. This allows children to engage with nature and learn about plant growth.

Nature Corners: Designate a corner of the nursery as a "nature corner" with natural materials like shells, rocks, or sand. Rotate these items regularly to keep the space interesting.

Window Sill Exploration: Place bird feeders or window boxes outside windows to attract birds and butterflies. Children can observe these from indoors, connecting with nature even if they can't physically be outside.

Nature-Inspired Art - Integrate nature-themed art projects using leaves, twigs, or flowers. This allows children to express creativity while engaging with natural materials.

Sensory Bins: Create sensory bins with natural elements like sand, pebbles, or dried leaves. These bins provide an experience and connect children with different textures.

Themed Learning Weeks: Dedicate specific weeks to nature themes, such as "Animal Week" or "Outdoor Adventure Week." Incorporate related activities to enhance your children's' learning experience.

Storytelling and Imaginary Play: Use storytelling to transport children to different outdoor settings. Encourage imaginative play related to nature, fostering a connection to the outdoors through the power of imagination.

Nature Soundscape: Play nature sounds, such as birdsong or gentle rain, to create a calming and natural ambiance within the nursery.

Collab with your community: Explore partnerships with local nature parks or have a Forest School leader take the kids on a local adventure, teaching them the ins and outs of exploration & nature.

Even small interactions with nature can have a positive impact on a child's development and appreciation for the environment. By using some of the tips above, hopefully you can bring the weather and wonders of the outside world indoors. 

If you do have an outdoor space, that is fantastic. Designate play zones, set up flower gardens, organise bird feedings sessions. You can use any of the above indoor activities to transform your outdoor space into, not just a memorable nature-based experience to educate children, but, something that could develop into a real selling point for potential parents choosing a Nursery. 

Children's Books on Nature & Sustainability 

Children's Books are a fantastic way of introducing nature & sustainability into your Nurseries, without the worry over overbearing them or making them lose interest. It can be the ideal way of educating your children on the importance of Nature. Early childhood education of the world around us can instil love for the environment from the very get go. 

Have a peek below at some books that we think would be ideal for you and your Nursery:

The Lorax by Dr Seuss - A personal favourite of ours. A classic tale about the importance of environmental conservation and standing up for nature, featuring the Lorax (The protector of the Trees). If you are having a film day over Christmas, why not watch this with your children. 

Book Link: https://tinyurl.com/ecc7ttex

Michael Recycle by Ellie Bethel - Join Michael Recycle as he transforms a town drowning in waste into an eco-friendly haven, teaching young kids about the importance of recycling. There are plenty of other Michael Recycle books to educate children with as well. 

Book Link: https://tinyurl.com/yckcz46y

Last Stop on Market Street by Matt de la Peña - This story takes you on a bus ride through the city, showing the beauty and spectacle in every day things. 

Book Link: https://tinyurl.com/44vnkx3t

There are plenty more books out there, and these are just a few, so, keep exploring, keep sharing, recommend books to your Parents, or, you could even ask Parents to recommend their favourite books that may have inspired them when growing up. 

We know you are all thinking The Hungry Caterpillar!

Useful Websites 

We know you may not have the time in working hours, but why not have a browse when you find 5 minutes, or on your lunch break, as some of the websites below could be really beneficial and provide you with some quick, easy sustainable practices for your early years settings.

Green Schools Alliance (GSA) - Green Classroom Initiative: The Green Classroom Initiative provides resources for creating sustainable and healthy learning environments, including lesson plans and practical tips.

Website: Green Schools Alliance

Eco-Schools: Eco-Schools offers a framework for nurseries to integrate sustainability into their curriculum and operations, fostering environmental awareness and action.

Website: Eco-Schools

Project Learning Tree: PLT provides environmental education resources, including activities and lesson plans designed to connect children with nature.

Website: Project Learning Tree

Green Teacher: Green Teacher offers practical resources and articles for nurseries, to promote environmental education.

Website: Green Teacher

WasteFreeSD: WasteFreeSD offers resources for waste reduction and recycling, including educational materials suitable for nurseries.

Website: WasteFreeSD

Involving Parents & Caregivers 

Gathering and gaining the Parents and Caregivers involvement to jump on board with your sustainability efforts could be crucial to making it a success. If you help the parents understand why you want them to take part and get on board with this, it could make your efforts a lot easier and in some situations, a lot quicker to implement. 

There a few ways in which you gain the parent & caregivers interest:

Parents Workshops: Organise workshops that involve parents in hands-on activities. This could be anything from child development, different sustainable techniques or effective at home techniques. Make it fun for both the parents and children. 

Regular Updates: Share photos of your efforts, use your digital portals to keep parents & caregivers updated with your progress. This is an sure fire way of getting them to take an interest in what you are achieving. 

Newsletters & Achievements: Create monthly newsletters to celebrate your Nursery achievements. Bring the spotlight on an individual student or staff member to really celebrate what they have done. 

Feedback & Suggestions: This could be the best way to get them involved. Create simple surveys for them to fill out & hold regular feedback sessions so that the parents can pass their ideas across. You could even place suggestion boxes around your setting so that you are getting regular updates and ideas. 

Online Parent Community: Create an online community or forum where parents can share their experiences, ask questions, and provide feedback. This can foster a sense of connection and collaboration.


We've come to the end of our journey through the world of sustainability for Nurseries.

From sustainability practices in childcare to those eco-friendly bedtime stores, we've covered it all with a touch of sustainable prowess.

Whether it's switching off lights or trading in their old toys for more environmentally friendly ones, our little eco-heroes can show us the way.

Let's remember that when it comes to waste, we all need to make sure that sustainable practices are embedded into the very fabric of childcare and education. 

So, let's continue to recycle, reuse, and reduce while having a blast along the way.

And...if you ever find that you aren't happy with your Waste provider or that they aren't working alongside you to fix your waste needs and options, why not come join a waste company that supports and cares about you and your childcare business!

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Don't just take our word for it though, throughout our 7 years of being in business, we have received over 1000 verified customers reviews who have rated us 4.9 out of 5 on our professional service. 

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