09 Apr, 2024
Written By: Josh Morris

Introduction to Waste Management in Sports and Leisure

Illustration of a waste and recycling guide for sports and leisure facilities, featuring color-coded bins outside a leisure centre, sports club, and gym

Sports & Leisure clubs...the place where you can get your sweat on or relax and enjoy yourself. 

From sports stadiums and arenas to recreational parks and entertainment venues, these spaces generate significant amounts of waste during events and day-to-day operations. This is why waste management plays a vital role in keeping our favourite leisure spots clean and green.

Whether its the Gym or your local sports venue, without efficient waste management, these places of leisure & fun could easily turn into a waste filled nightmare!

Join us as we discover the ins and outs of all things sports related waste. From developing a recycling program to getting your members onboard with your recycling efforts...this blog has it all. 

Types of Waste in Sports and Leisure Facilities

Food Waste: Food scraps, leftover beverages, and other organic materials from restaurants, concessions, and food service areas.

Paper Waste: Used napkins, paper towels, menus, promotional materials, and other paper-based items.

Plastic Waste: Bottles, cups, packaging materials, and other single-use plastic items used for beverages, snacks, and merchandise.

Glass Waste: Bottles and containers used for beverages or food products.

Metal Waste: Aluminium cans, food containers, and other metal items.

Cardboard Waste: Packaging materials from deliveries, shipments, and storage areas.

Textile Waste: Worn-out or damaged uniforms, towels, mats, and other textile-based items.

Electronic Waste (E-waste): Broken or outdated electronic devices, such as TVs, monitors, sound systems, and lighting fixtures.

Chemical Waste: Cleaning products, solvents, paints, and other hazardous chemicals used for maintenance and cleaning purposes.

Green Waste: Grass clippings, leaves, branches, and other landscaping or gardening waste from outdoor areas.

Construction and Demolition Waste: Debris, rubble, and discarded materials generated during construction, renovation, or demolition projects within the facility.

Medical Waste: Used bandages, gloves, and other medical supplies from first aid stations or medical facilities within the facility.

Special Events Waste: Additional waste generated during special events, such as concerts, tournaments, or festivals, including promotional materials, decorations, and temporary structures.

Developing a Recycling Program

By developing and implementing a recycling program for your sports facilities or leisure club, you are creating an efficient solution to managing your waste. This not only helps to reduce the waste within your setting, but, could be crucial in saving you a bit of a money in the long run!

Here is a quick way of developing a recycling program: 

Assess Current Waste Generation: Conduct a waste audit to understand the types and quantities of waste generated within the club, including plastic bottles, food packaging, paper products, and other recyclable materials.

Identify areas where waste is generated most frequently, such as concession stands, locker rooms, and event areas.

Set Recycling Goals: Establish clear and achievable recycling goals based on the results of the waste audit.

Determine targets for waste, recycling rates, and reduction of landfill waste within the club.

Identify Recyclable Materials: Determine which materials can be recycled within the club, such as plastic, glass, paper, cardboard, and aluminium.

Consider implementing special recycling programs for specific items commonly used in sports and leisure clubs, such as sports equipment, uniforms, and electronic devices.

Develop a Recycling Plan: Develop a comprehensive recycling plan that outlines specific strategies and actions to achieve your recycling goals.

Provide Recycling Equipment: Install recycling bins and containers in high-traffic areas throughout the club, such as entrances, locker rooms, and event venues. Ensure that recycling bins are clearly labelled and easily accessible to members, visitors, and staff.

You could consider using colour-coded bins to make the recycling process more efficient and easier to follow. 

Educate and Train Staff: Provide training and education for club staff on the importance of recycling and the specific procedures for recycling within the club.

Empower staff to serve as ambassadors for the recycling program and encourage members and visitors to participate.

Monitor and Evaluate Performance: Get the clipboards out! Monitor the performance of the recycling program regularly to track progress towards your recycling goals. Measure recycling rates, waste diversion rates, and other key performance indicators to identify areas for improvement and optimisation.

Implementing Effective Waste Reduction Strategies

Conducting regular waste reviews - Regularly review how often and how much waste is being generated. This points you to the first step in identifying which waste stream needs to be looked at and improved. 

Transitioning to digital communication and paperless practices - Its a digital world baby, we are just living in it! Moving over to all digital may seem scary and a big step, but it is a crucial and costly part of waste management in any form of business, especially sports and leisure clubs. By switching to digital, not only do you reduce the amount of paper waste created but you have a more efficient way of working with less chance of error or miscommunication. 

Importance of repair and maintenance for leisure facilities - If the leisure & sports centre is in a high standard of working order and regular repairs and maintenance are carried out, this not only helps to reduce waste, but, stops unnecessary spending on having to completely replace something that could have been fixed properly 6 months ago. 

Separate waste - Implement a waste management system to separate different types of waste, such as recyclables, organic materials, and non-recyclable waste. Provide clearly labelled bins or containers throughout the facility to encourage proper disposal by staff and customers.

Engage in Composting: Implement a composting program to divert organic waste from landfill and turn it into nutrient-rich compost. Compost food scraps, grass clippings, and other organic materials generated within the facility, and use the compost to enrich soil for landscaping or gardening purposes.

Staff Training: Provide comprehensive training for staff members to ensure they are knowledgeable about recycling procedures and can assist members and visitors with any questions or concerns they may have. Empower staff to serve as ambassadors for recycling efforts within the facility.

Engaging Members and Visitors in Recycling Efforts

You may be having a recycling drive, but, how do you get this across to your members and visitors? 

You should find that once your members and visitors find out about your recycling efforts, they will be keen to get involved. After all, recycling not only helps your venue, but, creates a more welcoming experience for all.

The question is ... how do you get your customers more engaged?

Social Media Campaigns: Use social media to your advantage! Promote your recycling efforts and engage your members and visitors online. Share recycling tips, success stores and other content to inspire participation. 

Partnerships with Local Schools: Partner with local schools and educational institutions to promote recycling awareness among students and their families. Collaborate on recycling education programs, classroom activities, and school-wide initiatives to instil lifelong recycling habits from a young age.

Interactive Recycling Stations:  Create interactive recycling stations that engage members and visitors in the recycling process. Use colourful bins, interactive displays, and educational materials to make recycling fun and interactive, encouraging active participation.

Incentives and Rewards: No matter who you are or what walk of life you come from...everyone enjoys a freebie. Offer rewards or discounts for individuals or groups who consistently participate in recycling initiatives, such as redeemable points, freebies, or exclusive access to facility amenities.

Managing Hazardous Waste

Hazardous waste equals all those nasty harmful chemicals or materials that can cause damage or death to humans if not handled safely when taking part in the disposal of it. This includes substances that are toxic, flammable, corrosive, reactive, or infectious.

In leisure & sports centre, you will mostly find hazardous waste that comes from cleaning materials and other substances. 

Disposing of hazardous waste need to be done responsibly and in compliance with local laws. 

Identify the Hazardous Waste: Determine what type of hazardous waste you are dealing with

Separate and Store Safely: Keep hazardous waste separate from your regular waste and in a well ventilated area. 

Use Authorised Collection Services: Use proper commercial waste services that specialise in special hazardous waste collections. 

Do Not Dump or Pour: Never dump hazardous waste down drains or sewer or onto the ground. 

Educate Yourself and Others: Learn about the proper handling and disposal of hazardous waste and the regulation around this, share this information with other members of staff in your clubs so that everyone knows what is required of them.

Waste Management for Events and Competitions

Managing waste effectively during events and competitions is essential to minimise your environmental impact and ensure a positive experience for participants and attendees to all your events. 

What is the best way to manage the waste at these events and competitions? Regardless of scale or size of the event, the process should always remain the same: 

1) Pre-event Planning:

  • Conduct a waste audit to assess potential waste streams and quantities expected during the event.
  • Develop a comprehensive waste management plan that includes strategies for waste reduction, recycling, and proper disposal.
  • Identify vendors and suppliers that offer eco-friendly products and packaging to minimise waste generation.

2) Waste Reduction Strategies:

  • Encourage event organisers and participants to minimise waste by opting for reusable items, avoiding single-use plastics, and using digital or electronic alternatives for tickets and programs.

3) Recycling Initiatives:

  • Provide clearly labelled recycling bins and stations throughout the event venue to encourage attendees to recycle paper, plastic, glass, and metal items which can help in diverting waste from landfills. 
  • Partner with local recycling facilities or waste management companies to collect and process recyclable materials generated during the event.

4) Waste Management Infrastructure:

  • Ensure adequate waste management infrastructure, including trash bins, recycling bins, and composting facilities, to accommodate the expected waste volume and promote proper waste disposal.
  • Increase visibility of waste disposal areas and provide signage with clear instructions on what items can be recycled, composted, or disposed of as trash.

5) Volunteer Engagement:

  • Recruit and train volunteers to assist with waste management efforts, such as monitoring waste stations, sorting recyclables, and educating attendees about recycling practices.
  • Recognise and appreciate the contributions of volunteers by providing incentives, certificates, or other forms of acknowledgment.

6) Post-event Evaluation:

  • Evaluate the effectiveness of waste management initiatives post-event by analysing waste diversion rates, recycling rates, and feedback from participants and attendees.
  • Identify areas for improvement and incorporate lessons learned into future event planning and waste management strategies.

Partnering with Local Waste Management and Recycling Services

With members, visitors, employees, equipment, wages and a number of other things to consider, managing your leisure centre waste can find itself sliding down the lists of jobs to do. 

This is why finding the right local waste management and recycling service to pair up with is crucial for your business and your finances. 

When researching a local waste partner, here are some things that you should look out for: 

Recycling Programs: Collaborate with waste management partners to implement recycling programs within your club. Determine which recyclable waste you produce and establish collection points and procedures for recycling.

Services: What services do they offer? Where does the waste and recycling get processed? Find out which services they provide for waste handling in sports clubs & leisure centres.

Reviews: Check customer reviews and case studies from other businesses to get an unbiased view of the waste management services on offer. 

Customised Solutions: Work with the waste company so that they fully understand your waste management needs. Will you need skip hire, junk removal etc?

Ask for References and Recommendations: Ask potential waste providers for references from other sports and leisure facilities they have serviced. Reach out to these references to gather feedback on the provider's reliability, responsiveness, and overall satisfaction with their services.

Compare Pricing and Contracts: Request quotes from multiple waste providers and compare pricing structures, including fees for collection, recycling, disposal, and any additional services. Review contract terms carefully, including contract length, renewal options, and termination clauses.

Leveraging Technology for Efficient Waste Management

Using technology to your advantage can be a great way of improving your facility management. 

Smart Waste Bins: Consider implementing smart waste bins into your leisure club. These bins are equipped with sensors and can monitor the levels of your bins in real time, This can create a more efficient way of working as it means you aren't spending unnecessary time emptying bins that aren't full.  

Mobile Applications: Develop mobile applications for staff and members to report waste-related issues, such as overflowing bins or contamination in recycling streams.

Digital Signage and Displays: Install digital signage and displays throughout the facility to provide real-time updates on waste management initiatives, recycling goals, and achievements.

Waste Tracking Software: Invest in waste tracking software systems that streamline administrative tasks, such as invoicing, reporting, and compliance documentation.

Sustainability Beyond Waste Management

Sustainability extends beyond the waste industry and encompasses various aspects of operations and sustainable practices within sports and leisure centres. 

Sustainable events: Run zero waste days for your sports team for an individual sporting event, set environmental management challenges for sustainable waste management. 

Reduce waste and energy consumption: Upgrade to LED lighting, install low-flow fixtures and faucets and implement water-saving irrigation systems for outdoor landscaping.

Carbon Footprint Reduction: Take steps to reduce the carbon footprint of the facility by minimizing energy consumption, transitioning to renewable energy sources, and offsetting remaining emissions through carbon offset projects or tree planting initiatives.

Green sports alliance: The Green Sports Alliance is a non-profit organisation that brings together sports teams, leagues, venues, and fans to promote environmental sustainability and drive positive social impact within the sports industry. This organisation provides resources, tools and best practices to help professional sports teams and non professional reduce their environmental impact. 

The Green Sports Alliance also hosts annual summits, workshops, and conferences where sports industry leaders, sustainability experts, and environmental advocates come together to share insights, exchange ideas, and drive innovation in sustainability practices within sports organisations. 

Future Directions

Looking ahead, there are several promising avenues for advancing waste management in sports and leisure clubs:

Embracing Technology: Continued advancements in technology, such as smart waste bins, sensors, and data analytics, can revolutionise waste management practices by improving efficiency, reduce the amount of waste generated, and providing real-time insights into waste generation and recycling at sports stadiums and other clubs.

Community Engagement: Increasing community engagement and awareness around waste management issues can foster a sense of shared responsibility and encourage active participation in recycling programs, waste reduction initiatives, and sustainability efforts.

Education and Outreach: Investing in education and outreach initiatives can empower staff, members, and visitors with the knowledge and skills needed to adopt sustainable behaviours, make informed choices, and contribute to waste reduction and recycling efforts.

By embracing simple yet impactful practices like waste reduction, recycling, and responsible disposal, we're not only reducing our carbon footprint but also spreading the message of sustainability to everyone who walks through our doors.


So champion your team and get your members onboard, let them know not just to drive for their fitness goals but waste goals as well.

With proper waste management and a comprehensive recycling plan to go alongside it, you can reduce the total waste produced in your clubs and create a more welcoming environment for all. 

Let's keep the spirit alive by exploring new technologies, involving our community, and building partnerships that make a real difference not just for clubs and centres, but for the community and environment around us. 

Together, we can keep the momentum going, inspire others, and create a more eco-friendly future for the UK that we can all be proud of.

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