14 Apr, 2023
Written By: Josh Morris
Busy Bins Logo adapted for Cardboard and Paper Recycling with the Busy Bins Smile next to an empty cardboard box with a corrugated cardboard effect background and a Busy Bins branded bin filled with cardboard at the side.

Paper and Cardboard Recycling Guide and Carboard Recycling Bin Collection Service from Busy Bins

Greetings fellow recycling enthusiasts! Are you tired of seeing piles of cardboard boxes stacking up in your home or office, taking up valuable space, and contributing to the ever-growing waste problem?

Well, fear not, because in this blog, we're going to be exploring the world of Cardboard recycling - from the clever and creative ways you can use your boxes, to the environmental benefits of keeping cardboard out of landfills.

So grab a cup of tea, sit back, and let's get recycling!

Cardboard and Paper Recycling Statistics. Blacked Shadow Images of Cardboard Boxes with Symbols imposed.

How much Cardboard & Paper is recycled in the UK and other Cardboard  Waste Statistics?*

  • Families in the UK throw away 6.3 million tonnes of paper every year. 
  • Every tonne of paper recycled saves 17 trees.
  • The amount of waste paper buried in landfill each year would fill 103,448 double decker buses. 
  • Recycled paper produces 73% less air pollution than if it was made from raw materials. 
  • 12.5 million tonnes of paper and cardboard are used annually in the UK. That's the same weight as 3 million African Elephants. 
  • It takes 24 trees to make 1 tonne of newspaper.
  • It takes just 7 days to recycle a newspaper into a new one.
  • All newspapers made in the UK are made from 100% recycled paper.
  • An average family in the UK uses 6 trees worth of paper a year. 
  • Recycling 1 tonne of paper will save enough energy to power an average 3 bedroom house for a whole year. 
  • At least a quarter of every school bin is filled with paper which can be easily recycled. 
  • The 2.5 million copies of the latest Harry Potter book were printed on recycled paper. This saved: 89,200 trees, enough water to fill 105 Olympic Swimming Pools and enough electricity to power a home for 610 years. 
  • It takes 324 litres of water to make make 1 kg of Paper.
  • Each Christmas, we throw away enough wrapping paper to cover 11,000 football pitches. 
  • Paper and Cardboard account for 1/5 of all waste produced in the UK. 


Cardboard and Paper Recycling Process Image. Simplified graphic showing the collection of paper and cardboard, sorting and baling before transportation to a recycling plant. Once at the plant the material goes through the next step of the process where it is pulped, screened, and cleaned before being pressed and dyed. The final stage then is to convert and finish the product into new packaging material.

What is the Cardboard Recycling & Disposal process?

We all know what cardboard is but what is cardboard? Well, cardboard is made of paper (which is made of natural wood fibres) There are many different processes when Cardboard is recycled in the UK or across the world for that matter! 

The typical steps can be found below: 

  • Collection: Cardboard waste is collected from households and businesses by waste management companies or your local councils. Some councils may provide separate bins or containers specifically for cardboard.
  • Sorting: The cardboard is then taken to a recycling centre, where it is sorted by type, with corrugated board and flat cardboard separated. Who knew ey!
  • Shredding and Pulping: No we aren't saying the cardboard goes to the gym to get shreddded! The cardboard is actually shredded into small pieces and mixed with water to create the pulp. The pulp is then cleaned and screened to remove any contaminants such as staples, tape or plastic.
  • De-inking and bleaching: If the cardboard is printed: it may go through the de-inking process to remove any ink from it. It may also be bleached to produce a clean, white pulp. 
  • Pressing and Finishing: Pep Guardiola's favourite bit this! The newly formed cardboard sheets are pressed to remove excess water and dried. They may be then cut and finished into various sizes and shapes for packaging and other uses. This would make the cardboard clean and dry.
  • Distribution: Slowly realising cardboard is the same as football! The recycled cardboard is then distributed to manufacturers and retailers to use in new products such as cardboard boxes, packaging materials and paper products.

Overall, cardboard recycling is a crucial part of the UK's waste management system, helping to reduce the environmental impact of cardboard waste and conserve natural resources. Also, cardboard is one of the most easily recyclable materials on earth.

How is recycled cardboard used? Recycling into other products

Recycled cardboard is a very versatile material that is easily recycled and can be used for a wide variety of different things. Just think of it as the Hob Nob of the Waste World! The pinnacle! Here are some examples how recycled cardboard can be used: 

  1. Cardboard Boxes - We all know, we all see it. Recycled cardboard is most commonly used to make new cardboard boxes for packaging and shipping.
  2. Paper Products - Recycled cardboard can be turned into paper products such as notepads, paper bags and envelopes.
  3. Furniture - Recycled cardboard can be used to make lightweight and durable furniture such as chairs, tables and bookshelves. 
  4. Insulation - Why not use it to keep your house nice and warm? Cardboard can be made into an eco-friendly alternative to fibreglass insulation for use in homes and buildings.
  5. Art & Crafts - Can be used to create sculptures, models and collages. 
  6. Animal Bedding - This can also be used for bedding material for pets and livestock. 

So, we hope having a quick read of this, shows the benefits of recycling cardboard and the variety of different items that can be produced from this process. It is not all cardboard box, makes cardboard box which equals another cardboard box. Oh no, it is way more fun then that!!

Why is it important to recycle Cardboard? The Benefits of Cardboard Waste Recycling 

We know you may feel, well: it is only cardboard, if I leave it outside, won't it just get wet anyway and disintegrate? Oh, you have so much to learn young eco-warrior. Come with us and listen closely!

  • Recycling cardboard conserves natural resources such as trees, water and energy. By using recycled cardboard, we can reduce the amount of materials needed to make new cardboard products. 
  • Cardboard waste ends up in landfill, which contributes to greenhouse gas and emissions that can affect our climate. By recycling cardboard, we can reduce the amount of waste sent to landfill. Be sure to always try to use your cardboard recycling services in your area.
  • It takes less energy to produce recycled cardboard compared to brand new cardboard. Recycled cardboard requires up to 25% less energy. We wish we would give out 25% less energy and do the same job! Recycled cardboard has it easy.
  • Recycling cardboard also provides economic benefits, such as: Creating jobs in waste management, recycling facilities, and manufacturing. It also reduces the cost of waste disposal for businesses.
  • Finally, it is also an important part of corporate social responsibility for businesses. By promoting sustainable practices and reducing your environmental impact, companies and businesses can enhance their reputation and build strong relationships with customers, employees and stakeholders. It is a no brainer!

Overall, recycling cardboard is an effective way to reduce waste, conserve resources. By recycling cardboard, we can help protect the environment and create future sustainability. Now doesn't that give you a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Why should you keep Cardboard in a separate recycling bin?

Keeping your cardboard separate is not just the right thing to do but also helps the collection company split this waste into the correct section and it makes it easier to recycle for your cardboard collection.

For instance, when cardboard is mixed with other types of waste, it can become contaminated with food waste, liquids and other materials that can reduce the quality of the recycled material. It also makes it more efficient for the waste company. 

We don't want to threaten you, but we have hit a new all time low! You will find that most local councils have regulations that place recycling requirements on your business' to separate cardboard in your cardboard bin for recycling. By keeping your cardboard separate, you can comply with these regulations and avoid potential fines. Now, who wants to be fined thousands of pounds for a that Sunday late night £6 kebab box that you bought? Nobody! 

What can go in your Cardboard Waste Bin?

Be a good person! Make sure that you put the correct things in your waste bin.....and.....these.....are.... drumroll please: 

  • Cardboard boxes - That is a no brainer!
  • Cardboard tubes - Tubes from toilet paper, paper towels and wrapping paper can be recycled.
  • Cardboard packaging - Materials such as Egg cartons, Drink cartons, and cardboard inserts. 
  • Corrugated cardboard - This is thicker then cardboard with a wavy layer between 2 flat layers, commonly used for shipping boxes.
  • Paper.

What can't go in your Cardboard Waste Bin?

We wouldn't be able to sleep at night if we didn't tell you this: Not all types of cardboard can be recycled.

For example: Heavy soiled cardboard from Food or Grease cannot be recycled and should be disposed of in your regular waste bin. Cardboard that has also been treated with chemicals or laminated cannot be recycled.

Other more obvious items are: 

  • Plastic or metal objects.
  • Other types of paper: While cardboard is a type of paper, not all types of paper can be recycled in the same way. For instance: paper that is waxed or coated with a plastic cannot be recycled with cardboard. 
  • Hazardous materials: Batteries, electronics, chemicals or any other contaminated items.
  • Glass: Now we know you know this. 

Basically all we are saying is make sure to put cardboard boxes and packaging in your bin and you won't go wrong. By avoiding the above materials, you can help ensure the cardboard is recycled properly and efficiently. We don't expect you to be scrubbing the pizza grease off the bottom of your cardboard boxes, all we ask is that you have a good think about what goes in what bin.

Icons of businesses and industries that definitely need cardboard and paper recycling collections which includes pubs & bars, schools, restaurants, offices, retail premises and warehouses.

Industries and Business Sectors that definitely need a Cardboard Collection Waste Bin

Many industries will generate significant amounts of cardboard waste and would benefit from having a dedicated cardboard waste bin. Here are some of them: Who knows it could be your business!

Retail - Large volume of cardboard waste from packaging materials and shipping boxes.

Food and Drink - A lot of cardboard is used for cereal boxes, pizza boxes, juice cartons etc...

Manufacturing - Shipping boxes and packaging materials.

E-Commerce - Same as above. Shipping boxes and packaging materials.

Logistics and Distribution - Cardboard waste from shipping and receiving products.

Healthcare - Packaging materials for medical supplies and equipment.

Education - Generate cardboard waste from textbooks, paper products and other materials.

Having a cardboard waste bin in these industries can help reduce the amount of waste sent to landfills, promote recycling and support sustainable practices. 

How can we reduce Cardboard waste?

Now for the fun bit. What we can do to help reduce our cardboard waste? Follow the steps below and you will soon be on your way to becoming the new Cardboard King or Queen!

  • Use reusable bags: Instead of using paper or plastic bags, bring your own reusable bags to the grocery stores when shopping. This can help reduce the amount of cardboard used for packaging. 
  • Choose digital receipts: Many retailers offer the option to receive digital receipts instead of paper ones. Choosing digital receipts can help reduce the amount of cardboard used for receipt paper.
  • Buy in bulk: Purchasing items in bulk can help reduce the amount of packaging materials, including cardboard, needed for individual items. 
  • Reuse cardboard boxes - Instead of throwing away your cardboard boxes, why not reuse them for storage or when shipping items?
  • Donate or sell used items - Again, instead of throwing away items in good conditions, donate or sell them. This can help reduce the amount of cardboard uses for packaging new items. 
  • Choose products with minimal packaging - This can help reduce the amount of cardboard waste generated.
  • Sell your cardboard - If you have a bulk amount of surplus, clean cardboard, why not sell it? This is another good way of giving back to people that need it, whilst also making some money on the side and reducing your own cardboard recycling. Have a look at local cardboard recycling prices to see if this would be convenient for your business.

By taking these steps, we can help reduce the amount of cardboard waste and promote more sustainable practices. Small changes can make a big difference in conserving our worlds natural resources, protecting the environment and reducing our carbon footprint. 

Is Cardboard recycling worth it? How does recycling cardboard help the environment?

How dare you even ask!

Just look at some of the benefits of cardboard recycling:

  • Reduces waste: Keeps a million tonnes of waste out of landfills.
  • Saves natural resources: Recycled cardboard an be turned into new cardboard products, which conserves trees, water and minerals.
  • Reduces energy consumption: Requires less energy than making new products from materials.
  • Creates jobs: Creates opportunities for people who collect, sort and process the material.
  • Decreases air and water pollution: The production of new cardboard releases pollutants into the air and water, such as, greenhouse gases, sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxides. Recycling cardboard can help to reduce these emissions.

Cardboard recycling is the ultimate triple threat: it's good for the environment, it's good for your conscience and it's good for your biceps (Have you ever tried lifting a stack of cardboard?)

Plus, recycling cardboard means you get to feel like you're doing your part to save the planet without having to resort to eating nothing but kale. 

So do yourself a favour and recycle that cardboard box. Your biceps and the planet will thank you.

Does recycling Cardboard save energy?

Did you not read above? Aren't you silly!

It reduces and saves energy compared to making new cardboard from raw materials. This is because the process of recycling cardboard requires less energy than the process of producing cardboard from scratch. 

The process of recycling cardboard into pulp requires less energy then the process of producing cardboard from raw materials, such as wood pulp. 

The process of producing virgin materials again requires more energy then the process of using recycling materials. 

There is a theme building here! 

Overall, recycling cardboard is an effective way to save energy and reduce the environmental impact of cardboard production. So what are you waiting for...

Busy Bins Cardboard and Paper Recycling Collection Services. Busy Bins Man Character with 140L White Lidded Bin and 240L White Lidded Bin either side.

Busy Bins Cardboard Waste Collection Service. Get a cardboard waste collection quote

Here comes your ceremonial cost-effective waste carrier shout out!

We offer a flexible weekly or fortnightly waste management solution for your cardboard commercial waste, to help keep your businesses & households neatly packed and not boxed in!

We understand that it can be hard waiting weeks for your council to come and collect, especially with the weather getting warmer, customers getting hungrier and bins filling up quicker!

So, here are a few reasons why you should use us for your next Cardboard Waste Collection.

  • No extra bin required.
  • Meets the recycling requirements of your business or home.
  • Free quote with no obligation to accept.
  • Fully Accredited & Licensed.
  • Bin day stays the same as your council collection day.
  • Bin put back tidily when emptied.
  • One Off Collections or a Regular collection service are available that suit your needs.
  • Easy to contact or book: You can do it 24/7 online at www.busybins.co.uk or give us a call on 0161 766 3330. 
  • Most importantly...Our Money Back Guarantee: We are so confident in our service that if for any reason you aren't happy, we will refund you the money.

So come and take part in the service with a smile. Don't just take our word for it though, throughout our 7 years of being in business, we have received over 800 verified customers reviews who have rated us 4.9 out of 5 on our service. 

We are so proud of them!

To have a peek out our reviews, click here: https://busybins.co.uk/reviews

To book your next waste collection, contact us today at: www.busybins.co.uk

Cardboard and Paper Recycling Frequently Asked Questions FAQ's


Why is cardboard easy to recycle?

Cardboard is one of the easiest materials to recycle. Here is why.....

As you know now, cardboard is made from paper fibres, the fibres that make up cardboard are fibres that have already been processed once from trees, meaning it doesn't have to go through any additional processes, once it has been cleaned and pulped etc..

How will recycling cardboard benefit my business?

Commercial cardboard recycling in your business doesn't only reduce the amount of wastage that ends up in landfills, but it also shows that your business is an environmentally friendly one who cares about their impact on the environment! 

That sounds like a couple benefits to us!

Can I mix cardboard recycling with paper recycling?

Short and simple. The answer is Yes! As long as the cardboard isn't stained with grease, you will be okay!

What should I do if I have a large amount of cardboard to recycle?

If you find you have a large amount of cardboard to be recycled. We would suggest speaking to a local, independent waste management company who would be able to offer a bulk cardboard recycling service. Now...where would we find something like that? As if by magic, we at Busy Bins actually offer this service. Isn't that a miracle?

What UK city recycles the most cardboard?

Is it the North? Is it the South? East? West? True cardboard rivalry is on the horizon, but, who takes the prize? The UK city which recycles the most cardboard is....Three Rivers in Hertfordshire, Come on down!!! Supposedly, over 64% of general waste in Three Rivers is recycled. This equates to 20,923 tonnes per year.

Time for us Northerners to stand up!

Can I recycle window or padded envelopes?

This depends on the recycling scheme in your area. 

In general, padded envelopes can be recycled if they are made of paper materials, such as craft paper or corrugated cardboard. If the envelope is made of plastic materials, it may not be accepted. 

As for window envelopes, they can also be recycled if they are made of paper materials. The plastic window can usually be recycled along with the paper, as long as it's a small percentage of the total material. 

Always check with your local waste collection business or council if in doubt.

Can I recycle wrapping paper?

It all depends on the type of wrapping paper that it is. 

Wrapping paper is usually made up entirely of paper which can usually be recycled with other paper products. However, if the wrapping paper contains non-paper materials such as foil, glitter or plastic coatings, it cannot be recycled. 

If it cannot be recycled, you may be able to reuse it for future gift wrapping or other creative projects. Alternatively, you can put this in your general waste bin.

Can I recycle Tetra pak (juice cartons) in my recycling bin?

This is a bit of tricky one!

Tetra Pak (Juice Cartons) are typically made of paper, plastic and sometimes aluminium, which makes them a tricky material to recycle. Some recycling facilities have the technology to process Tetra Pak cartons, whilst other do not. 

If you are ever in doubt, check with your local council, or feel free to give us a call.

Can I recycle takeaway containers? (pizza boxes, chip wrappers, burger packaging etc)

As long as these are clean and have zero to little grease on them, then they can be recycled. If they are dirty or full of grease then the computer says no!

Can you sell waste cardboard?

Check you out you modern day Del Boy! Cardboard waste can actually be sold loose, as you would have it in your cardboard bins, but this is not the best way to do it. Most commercial cardboard waste companies will pay you more money if your cardboard and paper is compacted into bales. This makes it easer to recycle. 

So get your cardboard collected, this time next year we are going to be millionaires!

Are Amazon boxes recyclable?

Great question! Amazon boxes are 100% recyclable, just make sure that you remove any bubble wrap or plastic packaging. So get them flattened and into your bin.



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