04 Mar, 2025
Written By: Josh Morris

Understanding Common Recycling Mistakes

 Four colorful recycling bins filled with trash, featuring circular arrows with heart symbols. Text above reads, "Recycling Mistakes You Might Be Making, & How to Fix Them.

We all make mistakes in life, so when recycling, you are going to make some mistakes along the way.  This is a part of life, so don't sweat it!

Just like any mistake, you have to learn from it & today we will be going through the most common recycling mistakes that homeowners can look out for! 

These common recycling mistakes can lead to contamination and wasted efforts despite your best intentions, with this waste ending up being transported to the dreaded L word....LANDFILL! 

Now, nobody wants any waste being sent to landfill to rot away, releasing gases & harming the environment. By understanding the common errors found below, you can really create an efficient, well-oiled, recycling machine in your very own home! 

Get your reading glasses on, it is time to learn! 

Common Recycling Mistakes and How to Fix Them

Mistake 1: Contaminating Recyclables

This is one of the most common mistakes.

You may not think it, but It is very easy to contaminate your household bins without meaning too. There are certain items that if they aren't washed properly will not be recycled. 

What is contamination? 

Contamination is when non-recyclable materials such as liquids, food scraps or dirty items are mixed with recyclable. This doesn't only ruin the recyclable items but could even spoil the full bins worth of recyclable.

We don't want to scare you, but it can be true! 

You can however fix this...

Solution: Make sure that when you are sorting your recyclable items, rinse off before chucking them in. This means that you clean any glass jars, bottles or anything else. 

Unfortunately, as much as you may want to recycle your pizza boxes in the cardboard bin, if there is any grease on there, you will have bin it in your non-recyclable general waste bin. We know it is not ideal, but you would rather this then the whole bin of cardboard being contaminated!

Ensure all recyclables are rinsed clean before tossing them into the bin. 

Mistake 2: Incorrect Sorting of Materials

Nobody & we mean nobody is the perfect sorting machine, For instance,  I can't even sort my personal life out never-mind the bins. 

However, if you want to alleviate the mistake of incorrect materials being in the incorrect bin, your sorting skills need to be tip-top! 

Here are some common sorting errors & how to correct it:

Sorting errors:

  1. Putting plastics with paper.
  2. Plastic bags in your plastic waste, this needs to go in the general waste,
  3. Liquids in any sense.
  4. Greasy or soiled paper. 
  5. Any food scraps or organic waste in anything other then your food bin. 

Solution: Keep an eye on what you are throwing away and sort items into recyclables, contaminated recyclables and your non-recyclables. 

If you live with flatmates, why not create a guide or look on your local council website, as some do have colour coded guides that you can print out, which shows what waste should go in each bin, and the best recycling practices. 

Mistake 3: Recycling Non-Recyclable Plastics

Recycling non-recyclable plastics can happen easier then you can say 'Recycling non-recyclable plastic'.

There are plenty of different types of plastics out there, they aren't all the same. Due to this, it can be really difficult to figure out which type of plastic is which. 

Mistake: Recycling plastics that aren’t accepted (Plastic straws, utensils, or certain types of plastic film).

How To Fix: Get swatting on your plastic number codes! Every single plastic item will have a recycling number placed on it, which identifies what the type of plastic is. Some plastics may need to be taken to your local recycling centre to be disposed of correctly. 

Commonly accepted plastics that you can chuck in your bin are #1 (PET) and #2 (HDPE).

How to Properly Recycle Common Household Items

Plastic Bottles and Containers

  • Remove caps and lids before recycling plastic bottles.
  • Crush bottles to save space but ensure they are clean and dry.
  • Learn your recycling symbols to check what can go into your bin.
  • Rinse off any food residue.

Glass and Metal

  • Rinse Out Bottles, jars, and cans before recycling.
  • Remove labels if your recycling service requires it.
  • Not all of the glass that you find in your home is recyclable— for instance lightbulbs are frowned upon & mirrors. This is due to the type of glass used to create these products. 
  • Metal cans can be recycled, but not deodorant cans, this is due to the air pressure inside meaning it is at risk of exploding. 

Best Practices for Effective Recycling and Waste Management

1. Know What’s Recyclable

There is nothing more important to your waste management goals then knowing what is recyclable and what isn't.

Spend some time to research common household items that you throw away, or if you are in the middle of chucking out some bits and you are not quite sure on if a certain item can be recycled, give the item a quick google.

Tip: Review your local councils guidelines or your local tip to find out what materials are accepted. 

2. Rinse and Clean Recyclables

Rinse and repeat on all your recyclable items. Rinse out any cans, bottles, jars...whatever it is that has had food in in, once rinsed and cleaned, you are free to put this in your household recycling bins. 

Now, we don't want you rinsing and cleaning everything that is recyclable, if it is cardboard or paper, we don't expect you to be sticking this under the tap. (SPOILER: It will fall apart) 

Tip: Rinse out cans, bottles, and jars to ensure they are free of food waste. If items are heavily soiled (like greasy pizza boxes), only recycle the clean portions.

3. Avoid “Wishcycling”

No, this isn't when you are riding a bike whilst being granted 3 wishes from a questionably overweight genie. Wishcycling means, only recycle materials that you know for certain, can definitely be recycled! 

Don't be chucking items in the bin that you aren't sure will be recycled, or you know for definite won't be but want it out your house. In the long run, this will create a lot of contaminated waste. 

Remember, it only takes 1 item to be contaminated, to contaminate your whole bin load! 

Tip: Avoid tossing questionable items into the recycling bin in hopes that they will be recycled. When in doubt, check the guidelines or throw the item away to prevent contamination.

4. Break Down Cardboard

We mean break down as in separating, flattening and ripping up the cardboard to make it easier to fit in the bin and recycle.

Not break it down like RayGun in the Olympics (The Kangaroo is my personal favourite) 

By breaking down cardboard, you create more room to fit more recyclables in your bin, but also, you make it easier for the cardboard to be broken down when being recycled using special machinery. 

Tip: Break down boxes before placing them in the recycling bin. Avoid leaving packing materials inside.

5. Compost Organic Waste

We personally feel that compost gets a lot of bad stick! 

Many people who we recommend composting too, always have the same answer...but...surely it absolutely stinks doesn't it? 

Yes, it may give out a bit of a pong, but it isn't going to be a stinky pong. As the food breaks down, it will slowly integrate with the soil and then become the soil! 

Compost any organic materials like food scraps, coffee grounds & any garden waste. Not only does this reduce your waste, but create a nutrient rich soil for you to treat your plants too!  

Tip: Set up a compost bin at home to divert food waste from landfills, which reduces methane emissions and creates valuable compost for gardening.

Conclusion: Making a Positive Impact with Proper Recycling

Now that you know what to look out for when it comes to proper recycling practices...what are you waiting for?

By recycling properly you are not only reducing the amount of waste being sent to landfill, but you are making a positive impact on your community and environment around you. 

So reuse, repair or recycle items that you know you can. Recycling isn't rocket science....it is just about being consistent every single day with whatever recycling goal you are aiming for & taking a bit of time to research and understand what can and can't be recycled! 

As always, if you feel that you are ever struggling with the amount of waste in your home or business, and want to use a company that can help you to steer your waste away from the dreaded landfills, why not use Busy Bins? 

Here are a few reasons to use us: 

  1. No landfills....EVER! All our waste is sent to a Waste To Energy facility, where it can be burned and converted into energy. 
  2. Fully licensed waste carrier. 
  3. Easy to book - Call us on 0161 766 3330 or book here: www.busybins.co.uk 

If you have some secret recycling tips that you use, feel free to share with us on our social media pages! We are always looking for better ways to work & more tips to educate our followers, so please let us know! 

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