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Posted: 28 Jul, 2023

Exposed: The Shocking Truth About Fly-Tipping!

Welcome to our blog, where we tackle the trashiest topic of them all: Fly-Tipping!. 

The art of turning our beautiful planet into one big waste bin. If you are unfamiliar with what fly-tipping is, it is basically a covert operation carried out by individuals with questionable morals and a love for litter. They basically ask themselves: You know what would make this lovely, picturesque countryside even more beautiful? A mountain of discarded fridges, sofas and other dumped waste! 

Nobody wants to be a fly tipper, or be associated with a company that does! So, we are here to shed some light on this rubbish ridden mischief and show you the best ways to help you avoid falling into their trap!

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Posted: 11 Jan, 2024

Your Questions about Bin Wagons Answered

The beeping at 6am.

The sound of bins clambering together around your street like a early morning 11 a side rugby match.

Being stuck behind one travelling 5mph when you have errands to run.

In all walks of life, at one stage or another, you will have run into a bin wagon (Not literally we hope) 

But, no matter where you go around the world, the principle of waste collection will always stay the same.

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Posted: 01 Nov, 2023

Waste Management Guide for Nurseries & Childcare

Welcome to the Waste Management Guide for Nurseries, where we're all about making waste management as easy as 1,2,3.

As you know, nurseries are where kids start their journey of learning and growing, and it's the perfect place to teach them about taking care of our planet. As teachers and carers, you're environmental superheroes, showing our little ones how to be Earth's best friends. 

In this guide, we've got some super easy and fun ideas to help you keep your nursery clean, green, and sustainable & discover how to turn waste management into a playful game. The place where reducing, reusing, and recycling can be child's play.

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Posted: 30 Nov, 2023

The Importance of Waste Management and Sustainability in Schools

Quiet down's in session and the bell is for me, not for you!

Today's lesson is on the importance of waste management in UK schools. We know you juggle a million things, from lesson organising, parents evening, stopping yourself pulling out the last few hairs listening to 30 screaming children all the way to those desperate coffee runs, and waste management might be the last thing on your lesson plan.

Well fear not, because we are here to help you tick 1 more thing off your to-do list.

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Posted: 05 Oct, 2023

Why Inequality in Society is Bad for Business


The battle of rich and poor. The gap between the rich grows wider as every day, month, year passes. Growing inequality is an urgent matter that unfortunately cannot be fixed over night. 

With income and wealth rising for the top 1% but stalling for the rest of us, how do we combat this? How do we build a strong economy that is fair to everyone and what are the negative affects of inequality in business and our overall economy?

Get comfy, settle yourselves down, it is going to get juicy, factual and informative!

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Posted: 14 Sep, 2023

The Local Advantage: Why Buying Local Matters to Your Community 

Does it really matter if we buy local?

We all spend, spend, spend when we can, but, do we really know of the impact that is made from WHERE we spend our money?

In this blog, we'll peel back the layers to uncover the effects that choosing local vs big corporation products can have on individuals, communities, and the environment. From reducing carbon footprints by minimising transportation distances to boosting the livelihoods of local farms...we'll delve into how these seemingly small choices can ripple through our economies in unexpected ways.

As always, get the kettle on, it is going to be a good one!

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