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Posted: 09 Feb, 2024

Green and Sustainable Practices for Care Homes

Practice makes perfect and in the case of care homes, it is green practices that could make the perfect setting for you and your residents.

In this blog, we're spilling the tea on simple green practices to introduce into your care home. From energy-efficient innovations to eco-friendly activities, join us on a journey where sustainability meets senior care. 

Get ready to discover how a touch of green can transform the way we age.

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Posted: 29 Jan, 2024

How Busy Bins Became a Triple-Threat with ISO Certifications in Quality, Environment, and Safety

Wherever you go - I,S,O! 

I-SO happy to see you here today for a special blog of ours. (We will stop with the ISO jokes now) 

If you have never heard of the ISO Accreditations & what these certifications bring, then don't worry.

If you have ever worked towards an ISO certification, you will understand the amount of hard work and dedication that goes into gaining these & we certainly do now. 

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Posted: 19 Jan, 2024

Wheelie Bins: Your Questions Answered

Without Bins, where we would be ey? That extra storage to keep indoor and outdoor waste under wraps!

Imagine not having these plastic containers to shield away the smell and rot of our food and waste. We would be overrun with rats and creatures, and let's be honest, nobody wants that...apart from the rats that is!

Today, we take you on a trip down the back alleys and ginnels to dive deeper into all things wheelie bins. From what they are to how to get rid of them.


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Posted: 11 Jan, 2024

Your Questions about Bin Wagons Answered

The beeping at 6am.

The sound of bins clambering together around your street like a early morning 11 a side rugby match.

Being stuck behind one travelling 5mph when you have errands to run.

In all walks of life, at one stage or another, you will have run into a bin wagon (Not literally we hope) 

But, no matter where you go around the world, the principle of waste collection will always stay the same.

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Posted: 14 Dec, 2023

Green Practices in Schools

Welcome, Welcome, Welcome. 

Once again, class is in session and today's lesson is on green practices in schools. We are going to be covering the lot, from energy efficient tips, tricks on conserving that water, sustainable books that will keep you up at night and many more. 

So quiet at the back and let's delve into some splendidly green practices to put you on the road to sustainability. 

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Posted: 08 Dec, 2023

What You Can & Can't Put Into a Bin

Without Bins, where we would be ey? 

Imagine not having these plastic containers to shield away the smell and rot of our food and waste. We would be overrun with rats and creatures, and let's be honest, nobody wants that...apart from the rats that is!

Emptying your waste into your wheelie bins shouldn't be a guessing game, all your household waste needs to placed in their correct bins.

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