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Posted: 14 Sep, 2023

The Local Advantage: Why Buying Local Matters to Your Community 

Does it really matter if we buy local?

We all spend, spend, spend when we can, but, do we really know of the impact that is made from WHERE we spend our money?

In this blog, we'll peel back the layers to uncover the effects that choosing local vs big corporation products can have on individuals, communities, and the environment. From reducing carbon footprints by minimising transportation distances to boosting the livelihoods of local farms...we'll delve into how these seemingly small choices can ripple through our economies in unexpected ways.

As always, get the kettle on, it is going to be a good one!

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Posted: 08 Sep, 2023

Discover Litter Picking Groups in Greater Manchester: Join the Cleanup Movement

Welcome to our litter picking blog!

The ultimate destination for our eco-warriors on a mission to make the world a cleaner, greener place, one piece of litter at a time!

Here, we don't just pick up litter; we transform it into inspiration and action.

Join our litter-picking blog as we share local groups near you that you can get involved in, tips and tricks for getting started, and the joy of turning a littered landscape into a pristine paradise. 

Together, let's roll up our sleeves, put on those gloves, and embark on a crusade that proves that small acts can create a massive impact.

Let's pick it up and clean it out!

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Posted: 28 Aug, 2023

Turning Trash into Treasure

Welcome, welcome, to another blog from yours truly.

Today, we will be looking at recycling and recyclable materials. We will be touching on: If recycling is worth it, the most valuable recycling materials, where you can go to offload your own business/household recyclable material and top 5 benefits of recycling. We all know we have to recycle because we are told that we have too, but...what really does recycling mean? and what happens once your recycling is collected? 

Buckle up, grab your recycled capes and get ready to uncover the environmental goodness hidden in the world of recycling. It is time to talk some trash!

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Posted: 15 Aug, 2023

Transform Your Office into an Eco-Friendly Oasis.

Once again, welcome our blogging enthusiasts, to our blog on all the fun, creative and different ways that you can help turn your energy sapping office, into an eco-friendly working space, to impress clients, staff and whoever else decides to grace your office with their presence. 

In this article you will find: ways to make your office more Eco-friendly, what things to avoid in your office and some of the best Eco-friendly office gadgets that we have scoured the internet to bring to you.

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Posted: 28 Jul, 2023

Exposed: The Shocking Truth About Fly-Tipping!

Welcome to our blog, where we tackle the trashiest topic of them all: Fly-Tipping!. 

The art of turning our beautiful planet into one big waste bin. If you are unfamiliar with what fly-tipping is, it is basically a covert operation carried out by individuals with questionable morals and a love for litter. They basically ask themselves: You know what would make this lovely, picturesque countryside even more beautiful? A mountain of discarded fridges, sofas and other dumped waste! 

Nobody wants to be a fly tipper, or be associated with a company that does! So, we are here to shed some light on this rubbish ridden mischief and show you the best ways to help you avoid falling into their trap!

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Posted: 14 Jul, 2023

Unlock the Secrets of Recycling

Welcome dear recycling enthusiasts and lone recyclers!

There are various possessions that you may or may not need to throw away/recycle over each calendar year. The hardest thing about it all is figuring out what items can be recycled and where you can take these to recycle/up cycle or waste without the risk of being collared by the authorities for it.

Fear not, you will find below a comprehensive list of various obscure, obscene and forgotten items, with instructions on what to do and where to go, when they no longer have a place in your home.

So, if you ever get a bit confused on where to waste your junk, you can revisit this list anytime to ease your confusion.

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